View Full Version : Pics of my Spotted Python

01-15-15, 01:28 AM
Finally got around to taking a decent picture of the little guy. He's still quite small but he's grown considerably since I got him.

This one was taken the day I brought him back to my apartment a couple months ago
http://i889.photobucket.com/albums/ac93/BassTortoise/IMG_1708.jpg (http://s889.photobucket.com/user/BassTortoise/media/IMG_1708.jpg.html)

And this one was taken about a week ago
http://i889.photobucket.com/albums/ac93/BassTortoise/IMG_2008.jpg (http://s889.photobucket.com/user/BassTortoise/media/IMG_2008.jpg.html)

As you can see, when I bought him he could barely span the width of my palm. Now, he's probably around 14"-16" long. Don't know exactly how long as I haven't taken the time to measure him properly. He's a great first snake and I'm quite fond of him :D

EL Ziggy
01-15-15, 08:38 AM
Very cool snake Andrew.

01-15-15, 09:00 AM
Nice, I love how tiny he is in that first pic :p

01-16-15, 01:19 AM
I almost bought one at the last show, but they were new hatchlings, and I prefer one that's at least been fed a few times. How's the general disposition and feeding response?

01-16-15, 02:01 AM
I almost bought one at the last show, but they were new hatchlings, and I prefer one that's at least been fed a few times. How's the general disposition and feeding response?

The only time he's ever tried to bite me was the day I brought him home, and he was too tiny to do anything. When I reach in to handle him, he always comes to check out my hand and either backs away or just moves past it and continues his business. Whenever I pick him up he's always very calm and likes to just crawl between my fingers without ever getting flighty. Also, he has yet to miss a feeding. Before I bumped him up to fuzzies, he would occasionally get 2 pinkies. Somewhat recently, (during shed, mind you) he refused his 2nd pinky but still ate the first one no problem. For the smaller prey items he usually just bites and starts eating, but if its a larger one he will strike and constrict it.

01-18-15, 12:27 PM
Cute little guy.