01-14-15, 11:58 PM
Hey guys! Just stumbled across this place and it looks pretty awesome. I love the variety of species discussed on here and high level of activity. I'm excited to learn from you all!
As for introductions; my name is Laine. I live in the pacific northwest, and keep myself entertained with drawing, miniature painting, and taking care of my scaley noodles.
Lillychan (2011, Female, pastel, ball python)
Miss Lilly was adopted from my local herp society. Her hobbies include not eating and looking cute. Lillychan's a pastel, but she's a rather dim one... both in intelligence and in coloration. She is a favorite among my friends, and makes an excellent lap-snake.
Hashtag (2013, Male, zebra, jungle carpet python)
Hashtag is a beautiful bitey baby boy. He's starting to calm down though! Hashtag loves food more than anything in the world. He also enjoys intensely staring at anything that moves, climbing in his branches at night, and getting tangled in cords.
As for introductions; my name is Laine. I live in the pacific northwest, and keep myself entertained with drawing, miniature painting, and taking care of my scaley noodles.
Lillychan (2011, Female, pastel, ball python)
Miss Lilly was adopted from my local herp society. Her hobbies include not eating and looking cute. Lillychan's a pastel, but she's a rather dim one... both in intelligence and in coloration. She is a favorite among my friends, and makes an excellent lap-snake.
Hashtag (2013, Male, zebra, jungle carpet python)
Hashtag is a beautiful bitey baby boy. He's starting to calm down though! Hashtag loves food more than anything in the world. He also enjoys intensely staring at anything that moves, climbing in his branches at night, and getting tangled in cords.