View Full Version : Hi everyone

01-13-15, 10:13 PM
What's up. Just introducing myself. I had a bunch of herps from age 6 till I left for the military at 19. It started with a leopard frog (raised from a tadpole), went to some "exotic" green tree frogs, a leopard gecko, then a Sonoran gopher snake, two brooksi, anoles, an albino pacman frog. I also had the random garter/water snakes, toads, a spring peeper that was with me almost from the time I found out you could get super small crickets at the store.

I had a couple red ears that were probably the biggest underestimation of husbandry requirements I ever had as a keeper. And I now understand why they aren't recommended for inexperienced keepers.

I have been out of the military for a while, and am getting back into the hobby.

I have two 5 1/2 gallon tanks set up in anticipation of my new arrivals from Vivid Reptiles, a pair of Baird's Rat Snakes. If only this damned weather would cooperate.

Anyways I hope to become a regular round these parts swapping husbandry tips and tricks and learning some things that I missed out on the past few years.

01-14-15, 10:53 AM

EL Ziggy
01-14-15, 12:06 PM
Welcome and best wishes.

01-14-15, 12:42 PM
Welcome! I don't know the first thing about raird's rat snakes, but congrats!

dave himself
01-14-15, 12:59 PM
Welcome aboard :)

01-14-15, 01:21 PM
welcome, i'm new here myself. can't wait to see some pictures of your new rat snakes.