View Full Version : Two headed rat snake

01-13-15, 06:04 PM
So today I had the pleasure of feeding the two headed rat snake at my local conservation center. I fed the left head because it eats quicker and since they're facing the camera it now becomes the right head. Usually I would have to cover up the other head to keep it from biting the feeding head (because she'll reach on over and give the other one a good jab) but didn't seem to be the case today. This snake is pretty old, even though it would've never survived long out in the wild it is still pretty amazing. She also moves pretty slow with the whole I have two different minds and one body thing going on but man once they both lock eyes on the same prize, she....they....can really move. It gets confusing but enjoy!

01-13-15, 06:05 PM
Here she is.

01-13-15, 06:30 PM
Very cool.....I'm sure the two headed feeding could get interesting at times.

01-13-15, 06:31 PM
that is truely amazing mate

many thanks for sharing...

that just made my night

cheers shaun

01-13-15, 06:40 PM
I'm sure it was an awesome experience! Reminded me of little Medusa


01-13-15, 06:44 PM
Thats SO crazy!!

any more pictures?!

01-13-15, 06:44 PM
Rattlehead that was totally amazing as well mate

2 heads feeding at the same time,i would never have thought that possible

many thanks for sharing

cheers shaun

01-13-15, 06:54 PM
So cool. I've never seen a 2 headed snake in person. If ever find one for sale I would scoop it up in a second!

01-13-15, 06:56 PM
Very cool.

01-13-15, 08:43 PM
So cool. I've never seen a 2 headed snake in person. If ever find one for sale I would scoop it up in a second!

Haha, seconded. Ben(well, more of his managers, now, due to the incident recently) has Medusa for sale at $50,000 OBO. I would so buy her if I had that kind of money, lol.

01-14-15, 08:11 AM
that's awesome, thanks for sharing.

01-14-15, 08:49 AM
that is an awesome experience, i would love to get to see a two headed reptile in person.

01-14-15, 11:17 AM
Haha, seconded. Ben(well, more of his managers, now, due to the incident recently) has Medusa for sale at $50,000 OBO. I would so buy her if I had that kind of money, lol.

Ok at that price I'd have to hold off but would still be sooo cool. What actually causes this geneticly? Is it the eqivilent of a human having siamese twins? If you were to breed a 2 headed snake would you have an increased likelyhood of producing more 2 headers?