01-06-15, 07:41 PM
I live in an area of high humidity. Well over 90% in the summer months , 60-80% in spring and fall and around 50% in the winter. The humidity in my apartment right now is around 50% with the heat popping on here and there throughout the day. I do not remember the humidity reading in the apartment in the summer unfortunately but the AC kicked on quite a bit and of course definitely not as humid as outside. I know that this does not suite two of my snakes, my Kenyan sand boa and Rosy. I thought about getting a dehumidifier but then again that might cause a problem for my snakes that need that humidity. It would be nice to have a separate room to keep the low humidity snakes in but that is not an option. I was at the hardware store today and saw closet dehumidifiers that could easily rest in the corner of a tank but I do not know what kind of material is inside the can. Does anyone have any methods for dehumidifying certain tanks or anything I can buy or am I SOL?