View Full Version : Pro/con of living plants inside a Boa's terrarium.

01-06-15, 07:52 AM
Too stressful for them because of the care? CO2 risk?

01-06-15, 08:09 AM
Never had any issues for the animal with having live plants in the terrarium, as long as it is all ventilated properly (Humidity will be through the roof).. And obviously the plants should be harmless, non toxic no thorns etc. The more difficult factor is keeping the plants alive, they wíll be used as pillows.. Their roots will be dug up, or if your snake is anything like my T+ boa it will be flipped upside down. And that is only if they can survive the heat, and if you have enough lighting for the plant to survive.

They love to hide behind them, and it looks great :D

01-06-15, 08:19 AM
CO2 risk?

I'm not quite sure what you meant here, but I find that to be the case with most of your posts. Plants produce oxygen. Unless it's a toxic species of plant (and it would have to be from a resin or oil since the snake won't eat the plant) plants pose no risk at all. As was stated above, the hardest part is keeping the plants alive.

01-06-15, 09:57 AM
Lol, another fan! They produce Co2 at night ;) Nice pics mate!

01-06-15, 10:18 AM
Lol, another fan! They produce Co2 at night ;) Nice pics mate!

Very little compared to the oxygen released during the day. Would you be worried about your snake suffocating if you put another animal in the cage? An animal would be using oxygen and emitting CO2.

01-06-15, 10:22 AM
I heard some can kill a man at night... :O Let's be cautious..... (ps I was joking, better make it clear..... XD XD XD I just heard they can be harmful but it's not certain.)