View Full Version : Mystery Turtle

01-02-15, 08:04 PM
I'm going to start this thread off by saying I'm fairly certain this guy is a Central American Wood Turtle....

If you haven't read my other thread, the problem was his now former owner said he was a Central American Box Turtle... Turns out Petco said that's what he was(I have the papers), but now that I can see him up close, I'm nearly 100% certain he is a wood turtle...

At any rate... he is pretty outgoing, not real fearful... His shell, as you can see, is very dull... which is strange because his 'complete setup' came with UVB/UVA... Poor fella was in a lil' 10g tank... His shell is also very dry and flaky, as well as his skin being very dried out... This gives me the assumption that he has not had the high humidity that Central American Wood Turtles need...

Here's some pics, one of his face, one of his underside, and one of the shell top. Just to be sure I'm not wrong.




01-04-15, 03:48 PM
Anyone have any input?

Jim Smith
01-04-15, 09:01 PM
I wish I could help you. The head and legs certainly look like a box turtle or at least a non-aquatic turtle. You might have to find a forum that deals primarily with turtles to get better or more specific information.

Primal Rage
01-06-15, 06:31 PM
There are 9 known species of central american wood turtles. The animal pictured certainly falls into one of them. Judging by the animals plastron it is a female.(not 100% sure) Check out this link. Tortoise Trust Web - Care and breeding of Central American Wood Turtles (http://www.tortoisetrust.org/articles/rhinoclemmys.html)

01-06-15, 07:27 PM
There are 9 known species of central american wood turtles. The animal pictured certainly falls into one of them. Judging by the animals plastron it is a female.(not 100% sure) Check out this link. Tortoise Trust Web - Care and breeding of Central American Wood Turtles (http://www.tortoisetrust.org/articles/rhinoclemmys.html)

Thanks! :) I actually read this exact sheet prior to bringing him/her home and fitted the enclosure to its specifications.

04-20-15, 05:03 AM
It looks like a red bellied turtle to me.

04-20-15, 05:37 AM
It looks like a red bellied turtle to me.

Oops, facial features don't match. Sorry. Plus looks like somebody already identified it XD good luck with that beauty^.=.^