View Full Version : Lathergic beardie???

12-30-14, 11:28 AM
I recently picked an adult female beardie from previous owner and have some concerns. she is very lazy and not a typical spunky beardie. She wont chase down crickets like they usually do. I know that the previous owner wasnt giving her anything to eat but crickets and had no uv lamp. I've now got a uv lamp on her and am trying to get her to eat something other than crickets. I've offered kale collard greens and apples but she shows no interest in any of it. This is my first beardie so not sure what to do to get her to eat the other things that are supposed to be a part of her diet. Any tips at all?

Thanks in advance.

Zoo Nanny
12-30-14, 01:45 PM
Is she warm enough? If you post pics and give temps of her tank folks will be able to help you.

12-30-14, 02:30 PM
give her a warm bath, and just keep trying. Try feeding some mealworms too.

12-30-14, 06:15 PM
her temps are ideal low 100s on basking spot. Ive tried to upload pics here before and always have a hard time with it. Is there anything I can do to help encourage her to start taking fruits and veggies?

12-31-14, 11:52 AM
her temps are ideal low 100s on basking spot. Ive tried to upload pics here before and always have a hard time with it. Is there anything I can do to help encourage her to start taking fruits and veggies?
What I do i I make a salad, I put all kinds of veggies in, and put worms in it too. Beardies like to eat things that move, the worms move the salad haha. Rango figured out what veggies he liked that way. Also place it on paper towel, the color contrast of the greens on white are very appealing. Try Kale, parsley, mustard greens, collard greens, shredded carrot, cooked squash. Young beardies dont have an interest in veggies but the sooner they get into it the easier it will be later on :)
Good Luck!!

12-31-14, 12:08 PM
thats a great idea I will do that tonight.

12-31-14, 12:13 PM
Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work, took about a week of the same food, less crickets for a few days, so He got hungry enough to eat veggies.