View Full Version : I.D. Card

12-29-14, 08:53 AM
Hi everybody, I'm trying to identify my pet, we know she's a boa, she's 5 months old and if I remember well on her parents' enclosure there was written "hypo ghost". Could it be?

12-29-14, 09:41 AM
You should really ask the person you bought her from.

12-30-14, 04:21 AM
Thanks, I'm going to do like this, you can close this thread if you like. :P We could almost say I'm spamming... sincere apologies. ^^"

12-30-14, 05:07 PM
She doesn't look like a hypo ghost, no, but it's possible that it's het for something. Looks like a pretty wild-type to me.

12-31-14, 03:40 AM
Thanks snakegirl, I was told she's probably an "ancestral" O.o I think she's from Colombia like that pet posted in the other thread by wrecker, anyway next time we're choosing the mouse together, so that the seller can take a look at her and remember where she comes from.

01-03-15, 01:11 PM
Ok now we know: Columbian, base morph (ancestral?), the mother is pastel and she's 6 months old.

01-04-15, 02:05 AM
ps: boa constrictor imperator