View Full Version : Lid Ideas

12-16-14, 04:11 PM
I have a 125 gallon tank (72"x18") and the top of it doesn't have any separators. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could make a lid for it, other than using sealed wood? This will be for my Columbian rainbow boas, and it'll be bio-active, so whatever it is needs to be able to be drilled into for ventilation and the heat panel.

Jim Smith
12-16-14, 04:20 PM
I would imagine that you could use plexiglass for the top. You could but a couple of thin (1/2 inch strips on plexiglass to act as supports at 2 foot intervals and it should work fine. You could also make a hinged access door and a screened section for the heat panel to prevent the heat from warping the plexiglass. You can get this material at any big box store and you should be able to get them to cut it to the correct size. This stuff works similar to wood with a couple of exceptions. You should place masking tape along the areas you plan to cut to prevent chipping. It glues very easily and is moisture proof. Just a thought...

12-16-14, 04:43 PM
I agree I have used plexi glass for similar applications in the past and has always worked well for me. Its easy to use and glue if needed. As well if cutting it as previously mentioned tape where youre going to cut and use a fine toothed saw.

12-16-14, 11:49 PM
Plexi glass is great to work with you can also use a hair dryer to heat up parts of it selectivly to fold around corners and such to make a more airtight and solid one piece lid.

12-17-14, 12:34 PM
I guess I should've mentioned it needs to be able to withstand the heat and weight of a radiant heat panel and a 4ft fluorescent light :o I was just worried about the plexi or acrylic bowing, especially under the extra weight. I'd thought about just getting 3 pieces of Acrylic or plexiglass just under 2 ft each and doing that, but like I said I'd be worried about bowing :O_o:

12-18-14, 12:27 AM
Lexan is much better than plexi as far as bowing, but harder to find and costs quite a bit more. The radiant heat panel would be mounted inside, but could the light could sit on top? I hung shop lights over some of my (fish) aquariums, some have strip lights sitting on top of the glass covers.