12-15-14, 10:17 PM
Hey everyone
Yesterday I picked up my new BP. He seems to have endure the move pretty well as he was active soon after being put in his new cage and again exploring today. I have yet to see him in his hide he just curls up in the back behind a piece of wood instead. I was told to give him a few days before trying to feed. I know he was fed monday or tuesday last week. He was being fed live wean rats. How soon can I try to start switching him to fresh killed rats? I'd never leave him alone with a live one as I've read and seen the possible outcome. But things can happen quickly even if you are there. So I'm paranoid about him getting hurt and my not being fast enough to stop it. Do I try the first time and see if he takes it or feed live? This is my first snake so I'm not sure the best solution. From the behavior I've seen he isn't shy, quick to explore crawling over me every time I held him. Not sure if this transfers to feeding.
Yesterday I picked up my new BP. He seems to have endure the move pretty well as he was active soon after being put in his new cage and again exploring today. I have yet to see him in his hide he just curls up in the back behind a piece of wood instead. I was told to give him a few days before trying to feed. I know he was fed monday or tuesday last week. He was being fed live wean rats. How soon can I try to start switching him to fresh killed rats? I'd never leave him alone with a live one as I've read and seen the possible outcome. But things can happen quickly even if you are there. So I'm paranoid about him getting hurt and my not being fast enough to stop it. Do I try the first time and see if he takes it or feed live? This is my first snake so I'm not sure the best solution. From the behavior I've seen he isn't shy, quick to explore crawling over me every time I held him. Not sure if this transfers to feeding.