View Full Version : Another Newbie

12-14-14, 12:37 PM
Hi, I'm basically a newbie to snake ownership. I've had my seven year old, orange, Corn for fourteen months. She was a rescue from a young family member. I think she's stunted in growth. She's only 49". She's shedding about every six weeks.

I've been learning as I go. Love having this snake. We just upgraded her viv, to a 36"x18"x18". She was in a foot smaller aquarium. I still get nervous I'm not feeding her enough. She's recently graduated to 1 adult mouse & 1 hopper, from 3 hoppers. She'd just look at me after eating like she wanted more. Even with the adult and hopper she does this, and about three days later comes out looking for more.

I've read that you can over feed so I try to only feed her about every 10-14 days but she seems to be out allot more lately. Thankful we can learn more from this great forum.

12-19-14, 07:37 AM

EL Ziggy
12-19-14, 08:51 AM
Welcome and best wishes. Sounds like your corn could take larger and more frequent meals. Do you know how much she weighs? I usually feed my colubrids 10-15% of their body weight every 7 days. My kings do slow down a little bit in the winter though.

12-19-14, 01:35 PM
Hey and welcome!

12-19-14, 01:57 PM
Hey, welcome!

dave himself
12-19-14, 05:19 PM
Welcome aboard :)

12-19-14, 09:39 PM
Welcome Gretal :-)

12-22-14, 01:23 PM
Thanks everyone!!!

No, I don't know how much she weighs. I fed her yesterday and the same thing? Can I feed her 2 adult mice at one feeding? She seems like I'm giving her a snack with 1 adult and 1 hopper....ahhahhaha!

12-22-14, 09:03 PM
Hello I'm new here just got me a albino brooks kingsnake first lil buddy,got em set up good 29 gal drift wood,repti bark,lots of hides,heat pad,digital thermostat,lil forest for him .he's, bout 3ft.not sure how old, but I feed him two pinkies a week,I'm here to learn and soak up info.hello everyone!