View Full Version : decision on snake enclosure

12-12-14, 10:11 PM
hi guys,

need some advice/help. I have a ball python right now in a ten gallon aquarium, with a heat pad under the bottom and i regular heat light i shine on his cage during day time to keep the temps right. HOWEVER, i am getting another ball soon and am unsure if i should give her another ten gal aquarium or go the stacked-tub route.

One problem I have with the ten gal's is when i bring them home from my apartment ( I'm in college and bring them back with me during summers and breaks) my house is not as warm as my apartment so the heating has just tonight become a problem. This is the first time I've had to bring my ball home..

any advice would be greatly appreciated

12-13-14, 12:39 AM
Tubs are easier to maintain humidity, lighter weight and much less breakable than glass aquariums. More space inside for less $$ too...

12-13-14, 11:02 AM
Yea I agree with Todd, if you don't mind sacraficing aesthetics. Tubs are great and cheap, and easy to modify if needed, however you don't get the view you do with a terrarium, if you want the best of both worlds then you'll end up spending more $$$ for PVC cages.

12-13-14, 03:31 PM
yeah i can see how they'd be much easier. i just feel like its a little more boring in there for them.. my ball climbs all around his cage and on the bamboo things during the night and even during the day sometimes.

would feel with a tub I'm discouraging him from being active.

thanks for the input guys

12-13-14, 04:01 PM
A tub in itself is no different from a glass enclosure. You can find one in similar dimensions or even bigger.

You're thinking of rack system tubs that are only 6" tall and leave no room for climbing. You can find tubs that are 4 feet long x 2 feet wide and 18" tall.

12-14-14, 12:17 AM
A tub in itself is no different from a glass enclosure. You can find one in similar dimensions or even bigger.

You're thinking of rack system tubs that are only 6" tall and leave no room for climbing. You can find tubs that are 4 feet long x 2 feet wide and 18" tall.

ahh didn't even think they made bigger ones. Thanks a bunch, currently checking the net for some.