View Full Version : Black and White Jungle Carpet Python

12-11-14, 11:35 PM
Are these type of jungle carpets uncommon in the US? Most of the jungles I see over here are black and gold..... :suspicious:

12-12-14, 10:47 AM
Are these type of jungle carpets uncommon in the US? Most of the jungles I see over here are black and gold..... :suspicious:

Off topic, but you Filo, bro?

All I know about carpet pythons at this moment is that I'd like to have one some day. :)

12-12-14, 12:50 PM
Pretty uncommon. There is a line of black and white jungles called the "Ivory line". Nick Mutton works with these.

12-12-14, 01:54 PM
Black and white jungles are almost non-existent here. They're very rare.

12-13-14, 12:30 AM
With all the black and white snakes of other species available what would be the point in selectively breeding b&w jungle carpets? Diamonds are better looking anyway...

12-13-14, 11:29 AM
With all the black and white snakes of other species available what would be the point in selectively breeding b&w jungle carpets? Diamonds are better looking anyway...

It's just about diversity. There is a locale of naturally occuring black and white jungle carpet pythons called Jullattens, though if I'm correct the ones in the US can't be traced to such origins. I think Nick Mutton has done a great job with his Ivory line(pics below).

Besides, that's like asking why make albino boa constrictors when there are already albinos of other species? It's just about diversity and we'd like to see these different traits in many different species of snakes. They are unique in their own way.


12-13-14, 11:33 AM
Here is a fine example of a Jullaten locality jungle carpet python


12-13-14, 11:44 AM
same over here in the UK and Europe...

Marc Mense in Germany has a line of Ivory Jungles but that's about it as far as i know..

there may be some of Nick Muttons in Europe,Marcs may even have been from that original bloodline...

ive not done much research on black and white Jungles

cheers shaun

12-13-14, 11:45 AM
Here is a fine example of a Jullaten locality jungle carpet python


that's a good looking hatchling mate

is it in the states ?

cheers shaun

12-13-14, 11:58 AM
that's a good looking hatchling mate

is it in the states ?

cheers shaun

From Aus I think. I've not seen any Jullatens in the states.

12-13-14, 07:38 PM
Ah, very nice, the ivory is the best looking b&w patterned snake I've seen yet. I'm not a fan of albino anything, though I know plenty of other folks love them.

12-14-14, 04:19 AM
Off topic, but you Filo, bro? Yup bro, Back home I used to have several reptiles. ( Retics, Crocs, Tortoise...) Sold it all before I moved here :shocked:

Now I have a Diamond Python, Long and Short neck turtles :crazy:

12-15-14, 03:45 PM
That Jullatens... holy smokes that looks amazing.

12-19-14, 01:11 PM
I have 3 but they're Coastal Jungles produced by Randy Wright before he offloaded his carpet collection. They aren't pure white but definitely not your typical black and yellows

12-19-14, 01:18 PM
The whitest of the 3 right after a shed

12-19-14, 07:00 PM
The whitest of the 3 right after a shed

that's one of the best Jungles ive ever seen mate

such bright crisp clean white and deep black

cheers shaun

12-19-14, 10:36 PM
http://s18.postimg.org/q3b2kmdax/10429508_1529777953972561_2618705564852092279_n.jp g

I finally got my gulatten jungle today. Will post more pics in the coming days .... :blink:

12-20-14, 08:15 AM
Very nice! How old?

12-20-14, 08:36 AM
http://s18.postimg.org/q3b2kmdax/10429508_1529777953972561_2618705564852092279_n.jp g

I finally got my gulatten jungle today. Will post more pics in the coming days .... :blink:

looking good mate

your so lucky to be living in the Carpet Motherland :cool:

cheers shaun

12-23-14, 09:58 AM
that's one of the best Jungles ive ever seen mate

such bright crisp clean white and deep black

cheers shaun

Thank you Shaun. She's due to shed soon so I will post pics of her with new skin soon. I love these 3 and can't wait to see how they'll look as adults.