View Full Version : Have you had any of your reptiles escape their cage?
Have you had any of your reptiles escape their cage?
How long did it take to find them?
Have you had any escapees that you never found?
lol it's happenned to me too often... I have always found em Except a fire bellied newt :( Actually I found her 3 month later nice and dy.. Damn hings climb glass..
Usually it takes me 15 to 30 minutes to find em..
What I used to do is in my old room I always had free roomers in my room .. like my burms (13 and 9 foot) or my balls or carpets..
They ALWAYS hid in the excact same place.. Either my top drawer or under a certain shelf... By letting them escape purposly I knew there favorite hiding spots so when I forgot to close a cage.. (I am not the best at that sometimes) I always knew where to look first and 95% of the time they were there..
I don't do that at my new place now.. too many places they can hide that I can't get too..
Take care
02-16-03, 11:23 AM
I've only had one escape so far, a 3ft ball ball python and it took me three days to find it (bedroom closet). The scary part is that my parrot is free roaming in my bedroom and very easily could have been a thousand dollar dinner!:eek:
ALL my tanks are now kept under lock and key, and the tarantulas have velcro strapping around their faunarium lids...I don't trust those lil eight legged freaks not push open the snap-shut lids and run for freedom.
:skull: Jenn:skull:
I have had a few escapes but I have found everyone...the longest was a ball python who was out for 2 weeks and finally came out of the couch late at night. I have since snakeproofed my room
Not yet, although I had a close shave once. My ball pooped when I went to the garbage bin to toss it, he was climbing out of his cage. Now I make sure everything is closed tight, even if I am only leaving for a minute.
One time i thought one of our boa's ate the other (she looked really fat). but he had escaped, and i found him that night clutching the vinagar bottle. Guess he was hungry (we use vinagar to clean the feeding cages between feedings).
02-16-03, 08:43 PM
My male ball python who is 3 1/2 ft has ecscaped 2 times already. The first took 4 days to find him, he was in my mom closet!!!!!!, and the second time which was yesterday took less than 5 hours, he was under my waterbed, not sure how though.
Originally posted by AstroZombie
very easily could have been a thousand dollar dinner
Do you have a special type of ball python????
i found my surinam RTB between the space heater and my wall once,and i thought she was half into the wall because there was a small hole in the floor. scariest half hour ive had in a while.
Feed'em All
02-16-03, 09:42 PM
Scapes....Let me see...
YEAH! Both of my herps scaped a few times, my ball once managed to get into a drawer (I still dunno how, coz was closed).
But the scape master is my Boa c. occidentalis, once it took me three days to find it ( at the back of my CPU, I guess she wanted to ckeck out, and the most impressive and last time when I put her in a cloth bag, and she made her way out THROUGH the bag....
Cheers, Martin.
02-16-03, 10:12 PM
I have had very few SERIOUS escapees. No matter what precautions you take. Stuff happens. That is why you keep venomous in a sealed room :eek:
02-22-03, 07:57 PM
my ball escaped many times. usually gone for 3+ days. actually was the result of him needing to be put down. but he like to go in the closet a lot
im noticing a lot of the snakes that have escaped are balls lol
yep...the only bad escape that I have had is a ball about 3 years old, and never found her!
03-01-03, 06:38 PM
The first time I woke up to my ball python curled up next to my neck in bed. It is amazing what she had to have gone through in the dark to end up there! The other escapies (columbian redtail and hog isle) resulted in lids not being shut properly, and one unnatural growth spurt which caused them super-snake strength. We found everyone within 30 minutes. When your snakes get loose and the roommate who lives in the room next to yours is a 215 pound workout freak who's deathly afraid of snakes, you tend to search and find them a whole lot faster!
03-05-03, 11:13 AM
Only once. I had Senecas (Leopard Gecko) screen top open cuz I had just fed him but I forgot to close it. Conveniently for him, there was about an inch of towel folded into the top of the cage. He climbed on some plants and caught hold of the towel. I spotted him just as his nose was peeking over the edge of the tank. So I guess that's not really an escape but it easilt could have been. Sneaky little bugger.
03-05-03, 12:29 PM
I still have a Gaurd Speckeld King. I know he is still alive and roaming cause he keeps tripping the powder lines.
04-01-03, 09:29 PM
My BP Sabbra is an artist I tell you. A master. With 2 sets of cage locks on each side of her cage, she escaped once. Took me 20 mins to find her. She was in the VERY back of of my closet in between two old boxes. Man, that was scary.
04-02-03, 02:33 PM
Our first ball python pushed apart the lid of her cage and made her way up the stairs to cling to the base of a chair and greet us the next morning. That was our only escapee until this last weekend, when I bought a new striped baby corn, had him in a critterkeeper for the 5 hour drive home and he escaped into the car. Still don't know how he managed to squeeze out of the lid, but we tore the car apart to try and find him. After going through all the stuff inside (lots of baggage after a long trip) twice, I made one last check of the inside of the vehicle and saw the end of his tail as he was going from the floor under the fabric in the area above the gas pedal. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to get him back - would hate to really lose any pet like that - and this was such a close call. We have had snakes push their way out of snake bags, through weakened seams, but they were always in another solid container. Really thankful that the new little guy is safe and secure and will not be using that container again.
mary v.
04-05-03, 12:21 PM
My boa constrictor, albino rat snake did.
Tim and Julie B
04-05-03, 02:09 PM
O.k. here goes when I was 18 my 8" Cal king escaped the night before flying home. I had already moved my stuff into storage so the house was bare but I could not find it anywhere! I seached until I was going to be late for my flight. I was so bummed about leaving it. I slipped a note under the door of my land lord to explan that my snake (that I wasn't supposed to have) was roaming the house. I explained that it was not mean and if he found it to please not kill it and take it to a pet store. I had to finally leave I grabed my bags and jumped in a cab to the airport. I went to check my bags in. I was filling out my luggage card and suddenly she jumped back.I looked at her and she had turned completely white. She made a motion with her hand and the suppervisor came over. He looked at me and said "son are you trying to suggle anything in your bags?" I said "No." He pointed and I looked down and there was my snake emerging from my bag!!! It had gone from my room all the way down the hall bypassing many doors and the livingroom. Went down the stairs to the front door and gone inside one of my bags. So after convencing the airport workers that it had escaped and this was a misunderstanding. I had to run four blocks to air cargo buy a box wrap him in my extra shirt to ship. I ran the four blocks back while they held the plane! It made it no problems! Three months later I came back to Kelowna and it escaped in my hotel room! Never to be seen again!
Tim and Julie B
04-05-03, 02:20 PM
I am sorry I forgot part of the story! I forgot to tell my old land lord that I had found the snake. So when I came back down I found out he had spent over two thousand on exterminators to find a snake that wasn't there..........oops! Guess what! I didn't get my damage deposit back. How come?
04-05-03, 02:47 PM
the corn snake i had got out a ton of times. they are escape masters!!!
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