View Full Version : Possible Ackie Enclosure questions

11-26-14, 09:38 AM
Hello all, new here. I am just recently returning to the herp hobby and had been struggling to decide what I want to get back into breeding wise. I have a ton of experience breeding pythons and Indigos but no monitor experience beside a pet Savannah from a long time ago. I decided to take the plunge into monitor breeding and am pretty set on Ackies as my first project. Here is my question. As seen below in the attached picture, I custom built a dual side by side 4'x2'x2' cages with center breeding door. Was going to do Woma pythons but changed my mind.

Looking at the pic, should I open up that center breeding door and make it one large cage or keep it as is? Should I heat only one cage with dual halogen and leave the other the cool cage? More importantly, is this cage setup good enough for Ackies or any other dwarf monitor kept in pairs/trios? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I want to make sure this setup is perfect before even thinking about adding any monitors to it.

Edit - This cage is not nearly finished. Still needs glass tracks and doors, lights, sealing etc etc. I just wanted to make my changes for monitor keeping now instead of after its done.

11-26-14, 12:31 PM
I know nothing about monitors, but that is an excellent looking setup. Good luck on your project.

11-26-14, 02:40 PM
Thanks. Lot to do yet. I did figure out that ackies need about a foot to 18" to burrow and lay in so this cage won't work for them. Disappointing but the other possibilities are mind bending. I am off today and just sitting here contemplating what else I could keep and breed in this setup. Hmmmm...