View Full Version : Surrenders - Graphic

11-22-14, 05:46 PM
Warning, these pictures might be disturbing to some.
They certainly are for me. :(

So yesterday I received three surrenders. I don't often like to take in surrenders or rescues because as we all know, we'd run a risk of bringing in something into our own collection. However, if I have some extra and if they situation is desperate enough, I'll take in a case or two.
Two of the three... I did not realize how bad they were, it's absolutely heartbreaking.
My nic got mouth rot from bumping up his nose and didn't eat for 9 months. He lost over 200g and it was becoming visible a bit as well he was becoming lethargic. But once the MR cleared up, he started eating like a tank again.
But he didn't eat for 9 MONTHS!! And he didn't look anywhere near as bad as these two... I would think that these two didn't eat for maybe a year.

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10806184_797442323651818_490879772252937606_n.jpg? oh=5ca20bed825f8d773d315ebeb52adbb7&oe=55103D95
My guess by length, is it's possibly around 2ish years old - and it's current weight is only 1047g
(Btw those aren't mites, it's just ecoearth, though it is being treated for mites in case via nix)

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10647231_797442493651801_3631185378029140381_n.jpg ?oh=e54385a98c289a94f8362421b846d3c2&oe=54D7C937

This poor suri was drinking for almost an hour when I put it in.
Current weight 1354g. Est. age 2yrs
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10672438_797442356985148_4958085854610498399_n.jpg ?oh=9ad3b228c9c278c3462c9ff1aab146df&oe=54E0445B&__gda__=1423358213_0486aff65c54bd194f8e81ebe02ca66 8

Had a couple stuck sheds on it, only bothered to get just the eyes off and left the rest. With it's state, I didn't want to stress it with getting the shed of. I'll leave it for now and help it come off with the next cycle. I've given it a hide box with moss to comfort it. Some pieces here and there have come off on it's own.
https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10806492_797442530318464_4929228953252469632_n.jpg ?oh=9677442698c584281dc5eebf04d60c77&oe=550CBFD1

It's apparent that the suri has a bit of mouth rot. I just have yet to determine is it's just starting, or if it's just in the end healing stages.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10421417_797442433651807_2597286530706070375_n.jpg ?oh=59654f94693a032499ac5bff36b49466&oe=54E1FB21&__gda__=1427427059_eb040fa0871f52c44861d02f9cdb775 1

It will be a long journey for these two but I am confident they'll make a full recovery.
I know that it is not suggested to give a meal right after receiving a new animal (and I certainly never do when I get a new one), but I feared they were to lethargic and staved that they might not make it for a few days until it was time to feed. So I gave them each 3 mice (certainly much smaller than what they should be able to handle, they should be taking med-lar rats) to see their feeding response as well as just a small nip to get them started. I won't be giving them appropriate sized meals for a while for obvious reasons, it would be too much for them to handle in their state. So many multiple smaller meals more frequently is what they'll be on for a while.
They took those mice with so much enthusiasm, so obviously they weren't picky eaters and that wasn't the reason. Man, I don't know what was going on through the previous owner's head... Poor things...

11-22-14, 06:57 PM
Way to go!!!! In better hands now.

11-22-14, 08:42 PM
So glad these two found their way to you. Please keep us posted on their progress. :)

11-22-14, 10:31 PM
Those poor boas are in horrific condition. :( I've only seen maybe one snake as skinny as those three before, and it was online as well.

With how starved they are, I doubt their size will be much of an indicator of age. They could be much older than 2 years, if they have always been fed poorly. I'll keep my fingers crossed these guys make it! Despite their condition, you've got some nice animals from this. :)

11-22-14, 10:44 PM
If they've been that underfed they may be older than estimated, just hope their development isn't too badly stunted. Some people are just incredibly ignorant of how to care for animals, but there's no excuse for it. Time and better conditions/care will do them a world of good though.

11-23-14, 02:46 AM
Yeah that is true with the age thing. I can only hope they're still that young and that this won't stunt their future growth too much - one can hope :/
My guesses were based solely on their head sizes - because obviously length and weight ain't gonna tell me squat. From past experience, I can usually give a pretty decent guess with age on some factors like head size with the younger ones, but these certainly are an exception to a special case, so in the end, who knows.

11-23-14, 09:23 AM
Other than the mouth rot and the severe weight problem. They look to be okay. Both seem alert and active from those pictures.

I would hold off on food for the moment until these mice pass through. You want to make sure their body is working completely fine.

I just realized you were in Alberta. I was going to suggest rat pups (1 maybe 2). I bet they will switch to f/t rats though pretty quick. I would still only feed once every 5 days or so. You don't need to rush them back to size.

11-23-14, 11:57 AM
Oh my, that makes me so sad. How can anyone neglect an animal like this? I hope they make a full recovery, they are also beautiful! even as skinny as they are.

11-23-14, 12:18 PM
What were the temperments of these animals like I imagine that they werent interacted with regularly form the previous owners? but I'm sure theyre doing better now that theyre being properly cared for.

11-23-14, 06:03 PM
I'm sure they'll have no problem switching to rats eventually. They don't seem picky at all. I guess time will tell. (I just fed mice instead of rats cause those are only what I had on hand atm that they could handle. All my other boas are eating mediums or larges - with the exception of my babies, which are all eating f/k hopper mice, which is obviously too small for these guys).
They're feeding won't be rushed, I had planned on every 5 or so days. I just really felt they needing a little something NOW to make it through the new home adjustments - because they look like if you sneezed on them, they'd die.
Surprisingly, they are decently active and alert. Clear eyes, lots of smelling, some reaction to being touched, great feeding responses, drinking, favouring the warm side.

Their temperament so far, is actually pretty good considering. If there's no food out thawing so they can smell, they're pretty docile. I just give them a little boop on the head and they know I'm not food and I can take them out without 'fear' of being bit no prob. Then again, going in with confidence, they can probably sense that and just let me 'manhandle' them. When they start getting better, we'll see if they're temperament changes...
My nic that I mentioned, he was always a testy one. Not overly aggressive, but certainly one you'd handle with caution (and he'd never come to shows despite him being a looker). But when he was sick, he'd never fight back or even hiss, which he'd do a lot back then. Once he started getting better, his a-hole 'personality' came back.

The suri is loving the hide box of moss I gave 'her'. (waiting til they're better before probing)

11-25-14, 06:41 PM
The suri's shed was looking a bit tight and uncomfortable so I gave it a soak and helped off about 95% of it. A little bit on the upper part was really stuck so I didn't want to force it.
It already looks much better. Look at it's colours!! The tail is stunning, like my guyana.
Poor thing is still a bit dehydrated, I can tell by how the scales still are (hard to tell in the pics), but at least it's not still wearing those tight pants.

https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10394624_799570170105700_6525002469400431978_n.jpg ?oh=a9c6d502c995d2ff096c87946f6e48ed&oe=551F9BD0

https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10615959_799570210105696_1628518328462091031_n.jpg ?oh=ff684445427d9c6e00971ea31e983167&oe=55131745

https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10407901_799570270105690_2156299102982643098_n.jpg ?oh=ef2f99cd78a2ac424930477a40ada90f&oe=5517CCA1

Albino is still the same-ish. Loving it's eyes though!!
https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10517482_799570660105651_3090575672339093022_n.jpg ?oh=b602798b84bdec7dec740690b835e962&oe=54D84ED9

11-27-14, 11:24 PM
My goodness. Those poor things. :( Good for you for taking them in.

11-28-14, 11:15 AM
That's terrible..glad you could take them. That suri is gorgeous!

11-29-14, 01:07 AM
WOW! These are such amazing looking animals. I can't believe someone let them get into this condition. Insane! Good on you for taking them in and if they make it you'll have a couple of sweet looking boas.

12-10-14, 01:08 PM
A comparison pic between my albino and this one (about a week after I got it, not current)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/q90/s720x720/10610654_804275019635215_1564856714084944408_n.jpg ?oh=53e3a774e6667c3a6e5cf28f27ff6bc5&oe=55444310&__gda__=1427603389_7c88833f4132ebc20913cc18cf96661 9

It drinks like a fish all the time.
https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/1545851_804275016301882_3153983378168763679_n.jpg? oh=ab44f7327aa4f3ff11c84726d9b421de&oe=550C5BF5

Look at this guy/girl! It's like night and day!!
After 4 meals (2 mice, 1 mouse, med rat, lg rat), it's improved drastically! Visible ribs are almost gone.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10857751_807248899337827_367929813566377472_n.jpg? oh=099f18a541d8fb7c2b6e9d935c201c5a&oe=550682F9&__gda__=1425782736_3c2a4f93bd968c49b0021683b3e4879 0

The suri is doing just as good, just didn't take a pic because it had pooped and I didn't have time to clean it that day and didn't want to take a pic of poop. Although, it wouldn't be too bad of an idea - because even it's poops are looking good! First poop they each had was a little iffy and not the best looking - now they're normal looking (stinky) poops!

I'll post the suri soon. But here's an older pic in the mean time! Second feeding. It dropped the mouse so I went in to pick it up and man, the suri's feeding response is crazy... it's normally pretty docile. But if there's any sort of 'food' smell in the room, it's hunting time and it's super active and looking around. Tasty glove. ;)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/1979587_804274542968596_7242016377591577371_n.jpg? oh=788b7070fd714b9c4ae7a5561c7e0c4d&oe=5513E933&__gda__=1426320820_db65926bc48c1cf141e59a0255b55d3 7

12-10-14, 02:50 PM
Wow big improvement already!

12-10-14, 03:13 PM
Glad to see they're doing so much better in your care. Those original pictures are horrible.

12-10-14, 04:07 PM
Incredible work dude, congratulations!

12-10-14, 04:57 PM
How long have you had them now?

12-11-14, 05:12 PM
Got them Nov 21, so coming up on 3 weeks here now.

12-11-14, 09:49 PM
Good thing you did there. Great job. Why the hell do people let their animals get like this? If someone isn't going to a) learn how to care the animal, and b) not put any effort into providing proper conditions nor try to see things from the animal's perspective, then get a damn house plant or maybe a collection of shiny rocks or something. Sorry, those pictures aggravate the hell out of me.

12-12-14, 10:52 AM
Sad to see animals in that state, but I am glad that they're in your care now. They're beauties too! Maybe you could toss one my way? hahah

12-12-14, 02:13 PM
@MM1: Hey now... plants have feelings too, they shouldn't be subjected to neglect too! A pet rock is suitable for those kind of people, if that. And I hear ya, when I got them, I was really angry too. The guy said they "needed some TLC" but I never would have imagined they'd be that bad.

Here's an updated pic of the suri! Notice how you can't see it's spine anymore! :P

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10491970_808220722573978_4776041553785133177_n.jpg ?oh=7c3f51584597ce486c7e4e899cd59670&oe=5502B331&__gda__=1426693743_f1005bd5562e06b3f92b31d19a4fb8a 5
You can see that little bit of shed still life on teh head/neck area. That was really tough to get off so I just left it. Got most of it off and the important bits like the eyes.

Today's feeding day, so everyone is getting noms. One more happy meal for them and another leap towards a healthy life for them!

12-13-14, 12:05 PM
Wow, those poor sweet snakes. :(

Thank goodness you got them in time! Kudos for doing such a wonderful job with these two! Keep up the good work; it looks like you'll have some wonderful scaly friends for a long time to come!

12-13-14, 12:07 PM
That suriname is beautiful, as are all of them. Glad they are under your care now.

12-13-14, 12:46 PM
They're looking a lot better. It's good see them on the road to recovery.

12-18-14, 07:42 AM
Amazing how fast you turned these animals around on the right track! Great work, I find it very inspirational!

12-18-14, 08:38 AM
Other than the mouth rot and the severe weight problem. They look to be okay. Both seem alert and active from those pictures.

I would hold off on food for the moment until these mice pass through. You want to make sure their body is working completely fine.

I just realized you were in Alberta. I was going to suggest rat pups (1 maybe 2). I bet they will switch to f/t rats though pretty quick. I would still only feed once every 5 days or so. You don't need to rush them back to size.


slow and steady is the way to go mate

that suri is very thin,i would like to starve it's previous owner until they were in the same state

cheers shaun

12-18-14, 03:53 PM

slow and steady is the way to go mate

that suri is very thin,i would like to starve it's previous owner until they were in the same state

cheers shaun
Oh I'm aware. Isn't my first rodeo. :)
Nov 21 3 mice (about 15-20g each)
Nov 30 med rat
Dec 6 lg
Dec 12 lg
And the med and lg rats are on the smaller end of the scale for the sizes, so they're not full blown typical 200g (med) and 300g (lgs). They're more like 80-90g md and 130-150g lg's (aka a large small and large medium). They're being moved to the 7-10 day schedule like the rest of my boids and in a couple months will be eating the regular sized feeders.

12-23-14, 03:05 PM
Oh I'm aware. Isn't my first rodeo. :)
Nov 21 3 mice (about 15-20g each)
Nov 30 med rat
Dec 6 lg
Dec 12 lg
And the med and lg rats are on the smaller end of the scale for the sizes, so they're not full blown typical 200g (med) and 300g (lgs). They're more like 80-90g md and 130-150g lg's (aka a large small and large medium). They're being moved to the 7-10 day schedule like the rest of my boids and in a couple months will be eating the regular sized feeders.

Those are some huge medium and large rats. Most of the larges I got from my pet store were under 200 grams, and the chart I usually go off of has 265 grams as the largest weight for a large rat, and mediums are 80-150 grams. 300 grams is pretty much the largest rat you're gonna get. A 170-200 gram rat should be plenty for them if they're 5-6ft. ~250-300 grams will be good if they're 7ft, I believe. 7-10 days will be a good schedule until they're back up to weight, but then you'll want to feed every 3-5 weeks.

12-23-14, 05:34 PM
Those are some huge medium and large rats. Most of the larges I got from my pet store were under 200 grams, and the chart I usually go off of has 265 grams as the largest weight for a large rat, and mediums are 80-150 grams. 300 grams is pretty much the largest rat you're gonna get. A 170-200 gram rat should be plenty for them if they're 5-6ft. ~250-300 grams will be good if they're 7ft, I believe. 7-10 days will be a good schedule until they're back up to weight, but then you'll want to feed every 3-5 weeks.
Maybe your sizing is different in the states, but the bags of large rats I get, on the bag it states 175-274g, and I'm lucky if even half of the rats in there are over the 200g weight. Most of them seem to be on the much smaller end, just measuring the bag I'm thawing now, 6-8 of them were < 180g.
It might sound like a lot for them, but they don't even get a bulge after they eat. And if you didn't catch, I'm not feeding them the largest large rats, I'm feeding the small larges (150-180g); it's the equivalent to a large medium.

Not to sound like a ****, but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing if things are going well. I really am not a fan of being told repetitive stuff I already know/am already doing. Criticism is welcome, if needed.

12-30-14, 05:33 PM
Maybe your sizing is different in the states, but the bags of large rats I get, on the bag it states 175-274g, and I'm lucky if even half of the rats in there are over the 200g weight. Most of them seem to be on the much smaller end, just measuring the bag I'm thawing now, 6-8 of them were < 180g.
It might sound like a lot for them, but they don't even get a bulge after they eat. And if you didn't catch, I'm not feeding them the largest large rats, I'm feeding the small larges (150-180g); it's the equivalent to a large medium.

Not to sound like a ****, but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing if things are going well. I really am not a fan of being told repetitive stuff I already know/am already doing. Criticism is welcome, if needed.

Sizing differs from each feeder provider, not just where you live.

Everyone thinks they know what they're doing, I was simply stating an opinion. I wasn't commenting on the size of the rats you were feeding, I realized what you were talking about. I was commenting on the weight of the rats that were typical of what you get for the sizes you listed. Not leaving a bulge is a good thing, you don't really want to see a bulge. Spacing out feeding and feeding smaller prey items works, but people also have luck spacing out feedings and feeding meals 1.5x the girth.

12-30-14, 06:31 PM
Easy way of dealing with feedings is use weight proportions and forget sizes. I recommend 10 - 15% of the snakes weight.

03-14-15, 09:00 PM
Hey guys, just an update on these two!
The albino I've finally given a name and his name is Leo! I actually take him to shows now with photos of how he was to help educate people that not only dogs/cats can be neglected.

My friend holding him at his first outing. He's so great and just as gentle as Zeus.
https://scontent-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10993441_601555856644887_573686060149639179_n.jpg? oh=1afa1e3846125a6a2345d536dd02fa6c&oe=557C53BC

Him beside Zeus at his second show a week later. He's doing so well.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11043001_609346025865870_54411742464819641_n.jpg?o h=396f2c186ebe7547e8b531e48d2c0270&oe=55BD9352&__gda__=1437856790_10094d7a24a3a43eed40eb1de2d6cdd d

https://scontent-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/l/t1.0-9/s720x720/11046655_609346305865842_199405658331365735_n.jpg? oh=cc20ed83ab9e2833e1e46646dd312226&oe=55B49285

Leo's new current weight is 1959g, when I first got him was 1419g.

The suri is also doing well, but still has no name. :( I'll find a suiting name for him soon. But his new weight is 2368g, original was 1840g.
Both are gaining great weight at a good pace, amazing feeders, and perfect sheds every time.