View Full Version : Your most active snake

11-11-14, 09:54 PM
Not to be confused with you favorite display snake.

I only have 2 as of this post, but my Garter never stops. Unless he's just eaten and then it's only just for a day tops.

What's your most active snake?

11-12-14, 01:19 AM
Eastern Diamondback. Hes a prowler. Then again he has an 8 ft cage lol

11-12-14, 02:00 AM
Currently my t+ Nicaraguan, because as soon as she sees anyone she stalks them while hissing.

11-12-14, 08:24 AM
Currently my t+ Nicaraguan, because as soon as she sees anyone she stalks them while hissing.

Lol I had a baby Bull Snake do the same thing for a while, but once he figured out I was the one bringing him food he quit.

My Rat Snakes are very active critters, particularly in the evenings when I'm getting home from work. The Hognose is pretty busy all day and the Ball Pythons are all over the place after dark.

11-12-14, 08:32 AM
Tai beauty. Never stops. Can't wait to have an eight foot snake constantly on the move.

11-12-14, 09:41 AM
Female ball python. Constantly moving unless she just ate.

CK SandBoas
11-12-14, 09:45 AM
Have to say my Hognose...they are active pretty much all day...close second would be my adult male Ball Python...

11-12-14, 10:12 AM
My ball python, as far as visibility goes. My garter is normally hidden whenever he explores his tank, but just about every night my ball python wrecks his enclosure unless he just ate or he's shedding. He had settled down a bit in the middle of his most recent food strike, but he picked it back up once he began eating again. The garter is more hyper and aware during his exploration, though. The bp just mindlessly throws things around. lol

11-12-14, 11:06 AM
My MBK is the most active. She's all over. She will come out if you open her cage.

11-12-14, 11:16 AM
My Cal King. Constantly searching for a way out, and comes out onto my hand nearly every time I open the bin.

11-12-14, 11:42 AM
I guess it would be my Diamond Jungle Jag. He relaxes for a while after he has eaten, but he doesn't stop moving when he is on the hunt. It's rather interesting to watch as he is fairly neuro, so he is all over the place, even upside down lol!

11-12-14, 01:54 PM
My grey rat snake is very active. When he gets bigger, I think take him for a trip outside.

11-12-14, 02:23 PM
I've only kept bci and my 2 rainbow boas, my rainbow boas are far more active. The only time they aren't out at night is if they're in shed, they even come out the same night they've been fed.

dave himself
11-12-14, 02:26 PM
Our male corn :)

11-12-14, 02:29 PM
The garter. My MBK has really quieted down lately, perhaps with the change in season. Even so, the garter is out and about way more often. Doesn't seem to matter if he's just eaten, either!

The only time I don't see Dart is for two days before shedding.

11-12-14, 05:04 PM
My garter snakes are real active but my colombian rainbow boa is out and about surprisingly often.

11-12-14, 07:31 PM
my Hognose is super active when the sun's out. I see him cruising around his cage, climbing, hunting, sleeping. He's a lot more arboreal then I expected, usually spending most of the daylight hours in his trees and burrowing at night to hide.

11-12-14, 08:49 PM
15ft retic. She's really annoying, especially when she tips her water bowl onto it's edge and lets it slam down when I'm trying to sleep at 4am...

11-12-14, 08:58 PM
It would be a tie between my Black and White Spitting Cobra and My Egyptian Cobra. Both very Active and flared up hissing all the time.

11-12-14, 09:03 PM
15ft retic. She's really annoying, especially when she tips her water bowl onto it's edge and lets it slam down when I'm trying to sleep at 4am...

Actually she's the one I notice the most because she makes the most noise. My male superdwarf is probably the most active, him or the platty het anery female retic.

11-12-14, 09:07 PM
It would be a tie between my Black and White Spitting Cobra and My Egyptian Cobra. Both very Active and flared up hissing all the time.

I'd like to see more pics of those. Have you ever been spit at?

11-13-14, 07:08 AM
I'd like to see more pics of those. Have you ever been spit at?

The adult spitter gets into moods and will cover the glass with venom, if you let him see your eyes. He has spit twice at my face shield when I was moving him. The juvenile has never spit at me.

11-13-14, 11:10 AM
My female albino rosy boa is very active. She's all over the cage night and day unless she just ate. She stalks me and is a bit ornery. She doesn't believe she's a cute little docile rosy boa. She thinks she's a big bad retic.