View Full Version : Does you Colubrid not constrcit?

11-11-14, 08:30 PM
My Cal King just cruises up and eats. Never constricts. My past Rat would constrict and was aggressive about it. I've never fed my Rat or the King a live animal. Only difference is the Rat's were alive that I displaced of right before feeding and the Cal's are f/t. Not something I'm concerned about, just an observation.

EL Ziggy
11-11-14, 08:40 PM
My kings will usually strike pretty hard. Sometimes they constrict and other times they'll just drag and thrash the prey around. Do you dangle the prey from tongs? Sometimes I make them fight a little before I release the prey item. My bulls just grab and inhale their food.

11-11-14, 08:58 PM
My Hondo has yet to constrict. Typically just grabs it and takes it for a cruise

Jim Smith
11-11-14, 09:16 PM
My Hondos usually do not constrict. Occasionally, they will use their bodies to position the prey item but very rarely do they constrict.

11-11-14, 09:48 PM
My kings will usually strike pretty hard. Sometimes they constrict and other times they'll just drag and thrash the prey around. Do you dangle the prey from tongs? Sometimes I make them fight a little before I release the prey item. My bulls just grab and inhale their food.

My 5yr old loves to do the dangle. But she likes to actually hold the mouse tail and not use tongs. King has struck at it but not a strike and wrap up. I've done the same with her. She also, the last couple times has tried from the tail end first to swallow, spit it out after a few chews in and will crawl around for a minute and then find the head and have a nice feed.

11-12-14, 12:03 AM
My garter isn't a constrictor, so no, he doesn't constrict. :P

11-12-14, 01:15 AM
My little corn will strike if I dangle a pinky from tweezers, will just chow it straight down if it's given right to him or dropped in front. I haven't seen him constrict a f/t, will see how it goes when the breeders start producing live pinkys.

11-12-14, 03:08 AM
If he eats f/t i wouldn't give him live just because you can, and chance is pretty big the pinky will be swallowed alive.

11-12-14, 08:42 AM
I have many constrictors, and several pythons and colubrids do not constrict. I have always attributed this to feeding pre killed. I assume the lose their instinct to constrict because the don't have to.

11-12-14, 11:27 AM
Mine constricted when younger, but usually stop after a few feedings. I agree that feeding f/t may have something to do with it. Or they learn that the prey isn't a threat, just food. My young desert king, still strikes and constricts, but he will probably follow suit.

11-12-14, 02:33 PM
I've seen my MBK constrict in the past, but it's hard to say about recent feedings...since he prefers to take his food into his hide where I can't see. :P

The garter, obviously, does not. :P Thank god, too, because I hate to think of the organs flying everywhere from a constricted pinkie half. Ugh.