View Full Version : Uroplatus Phantasticus breeding...

02-15-03, 06:52 PM
Hello... I am wondering if anyone could share with me their information on breeding Uroplatus Phantasticus. I would like anything from incubation temps, gestation/incubation time, care for hatchlings... Etc!
Dan Conner

02-15-03, 07:24 PM
U. Phantasticus are great and rewarding geckos to work with. We have several groups, and hopefully will have some eggs soon. I would have a photo period of 11-12 hours on and lowerthe temps to mid 50's -mid 60's in the winter. Then gradually raise the temps up to mid 60's and low 70's in the simmer, while increasing light to 13-14 hours on. I usually feed them a variety of suitable sized insects suppliment it with calcium, every other day and mineral amino acids weekly. Keep up the humidity and make sure the females are well fed.
Hope that helps Dan:)http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/511/435dsc00382-med.jpg
Check out my gallery for more pic's

02-15-03, 07:35 PM
Well, Thanks alot for the info! Also, how many clutches would a female usually produce a year?
Thanks a ton!
Dan Conner

Kyle Barker
02-16-03, 01:44 AM
Man those are cool geckos! Did you find a mate for yours? If/when you do breed them please keep me in mind, id love to have some:)


02-16-03, 02:23 PM
Well... I haven't got a mate yet, but I wanna be sure I am able to meet the requirements for breeding them...

As soon as I get mine, and make sure he's happy and fine in his terrarium... Time to look for a mate!

I haven't found one yet, and I do need an unrelated specimen, so I can't order another one from them probably, but hey, it shouldn't be too hard to find one!
And Kyle, I'll keep a really good price for you, for all your help...

Anyone know where I can get a female, though?
Dan Conner

02-16-03, 04:37 PM
We had a few pairs available a few weeks ago, but they were gone fast. If we get more in, I let you know:) Oh yeah! I think Neil Meister has some C.B ones available.

02-16-03, 08:15 PM
Good luck to all of you keepers and would-be keepers and breeders of uroplatus phantasticus (among others). I know they can be difficult enough to keep from day to day, let alone breeding. Just wanted to say that I commend you for your efforts, keep up the good work and I wish you great luck with your future projects.