View Full Version : Bad smell

Juan 8
11-04-14, 03:09 PM
Hello my 2 new boas smell horrible like a dead frog any tips on how to eliminate or make this smell less strong?

11-04-14, 04:00 PM
They should not smell like this. Is it possible that they have peed/defecated on themselves? I would first try giving them a nice tepid water soak to see if it's filth on the snakes that is causing the smell.

If the smell persists, I think a vet visit might be in order to rule out any infections that could be causing dead tissue.

11-04-14, 04:22 PM
If I was you Juan 8 I would clean the enclosure and add new bedding such as cypress mulch and see if the smell is gone.

Jim Smith
11-04-14, 04:34 PM
Also, you probably should really check your enclosure to make sure that one or both of them did not regurgitate in there and it buried in the substrate so you can't see it. That stuff really stinks to high heaven and could be your problem. Just a thought...

Juan 8
11-04-14, 07:26 PM
Alright, one spends alot of time in the water, she is shedding rhe male smells worse so I will bathe and see if the smell persists.
Thankyou very much

11-04-14, 08:11 PM
Hi, I have had Rudy, who is an Epicrates striatum, for over 30 years and the only time I have ever detected any odor from the snake itself is in an instance of accidentally self smearing urine or musk. I would second the suggestion to change out with new clean substrate and a cage cleaning, then re-evaluate. Also, I saw the other thread where you mentioned they share an enclosure. For my 2 cents, I also second the suggestion to have them in separate enclosures. Generally if they are not looking to mate, snakes don't appreciate company, especially forced company, which is the case in any enclosure. Best wishes with these guys. I have thoroughly enjoyed mine for a long time.

Juan 8
11-05-14, 05:41 AM
Right now they are together in a small enclosure but will very shortly be moved to a way bigger enclosure. Is this okay? They have space to get away from eachother.

11-05-14, 07:18 AM
Especially in a small enclosure i do not think it is ok that they are housed together, i would at the very least move them to the big enclosure asap. The smell could very well be the animals musking because they are stressed.

Juan 8
11-06-14, 05:09 AM
Yes, in a few daya theyre enclosure will surely be upgraded.

11-06-14, 10:23 AM
In another thread (was actually about this species), I brecall Aaron S pointing out that if you have a male and female, the males will tend to sexually mature earlier. This could lead to stress as a male would be trying to mate with a not quite ready female. Thus making separation preferable regardless of enclosure size. Are yours a mixed couple?

Juan 8
11-07-14, 01:53 PM
Yes male and female.