View Full Version : Anole Cages

Anole Guy
02-15-03, 02:59 PM
I want to make a screen cage for my anole.i want it to be around 50 gallons.it is probabaly very big for an anole but it will give her alot of places to rome around.i need to know the ideas you have and plans to put this cage to getther.the ticky part is making the bottem.so thanks for the reaplys.

Kyle Barker
02-15-03, 03:16 PM
I would use a solid wood bottom, use 2x2 or something for posts on each corner. Put a square frame for the top, and staple screen around it. I have also seen people use plastic tubs with a lip for the botom, and just rest the posts on the lip. that way you can have dirt in the bottom and stoch it up with plants. Just an idea. What kind of anole do you have?


Anole Guy
02-15-03, 04:45 PM
I was thinking to make a glass insert that goes on the bottem.so it would be all screen and the bottem is held on by velcro and it can come off and you lift up the sceen and you can claen the bottem very easily.i'am making the cage,2 1/2 feet long,2 1/2 feet tall and 2 feet wide.the braces theat are in each corner are going to be 1 inch. by 1 inch. wide.this cages is going to be a major change when it is done.she will fell like she is in paridice form her 10 galloon tank.i'am going to get another Anole for her and maybe a Gecko or 2.i want to get i think it is a day Gecko.they run about $95.00 candaian.they are bight green and bright spots.they are beautifull little guys.should i have a non-slip cilicon type on the bottem to prevent the cage from slipping?how should i make a front door to get into the cage?thanks.

02-15-03, 05:46 PM
wow...sounds like quite the project! good luck in that...my main concern is: 1) i wouldn't put another species in the tank with your day gecko...it is never a good idea to intermingle species because temps and humidity levels are 99.9% of a chance different.LOL! if anything, maybe get another female (you said you have a girl?) and a male...they can coexist that way. i would maybe make a stand for the cage that the glass will always sit on. that way it doesn't move so much. the idea of having the cage velcroed down so that it is able to be lifted up is a good idea! i'm just wondering if you are planning on taking the geckos out BEFORE you pick it up...LOL! silly q really *blush*. as for the door...you could cut a peice of the screen out...and make a door out of it...and buy some cheap hinges or something of the sort to hook it on there...just make sure there are no gaps. and then get a "clip" of some sort to hold the door closed...that is my best suggestion...or...maybe if that sounds like too much, cut a peice of the screen out and do a zipper sort of thing so that you can unzip the door when you want to get in there...and zip it back in place when you are done...hope that works! have fun with it!


02-15-03, 05:56 PM
just make sure you have alot of leafs and stuff for him to feel safe in such a large enclosure.

Anole Guy
02-15-03, 06:19 PM
I have 1 female Anole.She is alway brown and i read that that when an Anole is brown with black behind her eyes they are angry or stressed.So i fixed up her tank and i dicided to make a new cage.So that is what i came up with.Could i put a different spices with her?I'am going to get another Anole.What other Reptiles or Amphibians can go with Anoles?I used to have an male Anole but he died about a year ago.Thanks.

02-15-03, 06:28 PM
Do not put another species in!!! Here is a checklist of what you should have...

UV full spectrum lighting, made for reptiles
calcium powder for food
lots of sturdy branches, leaves, and other climbing/hiding things
a 10 gallon cage is fine
not too much handling, and don't bug her too much

Thats about all I can think of right now...Dan Conner

Anole Guy
02-15-03, 08:02 PM
I have a UV light the thermoniter says about 77 i turn it on for 5 minutes and it says 85 so i have to turn it off.I toke her out of her tank today she turned green and was enjoying every minute,after about 45 mintues i go to put her back (she was sitting on my hand) and she will climb highter on my arm the ferther i try to put her in,i put my arm in further and she cimbs highter and she kepps on doing that.It's almost as if she hates her tank, but loves it when she is out of their.What should i do?I have a cave with shade in it,some plants,soil for the bottem a bark log to hide in ,a basking rock, a few fake plants, a very small water dish (she doesn't use it any way but i keep it in there),alot of sticks to climb on and 1 side of the tank is cooler than the other.Maybe she is just lonely.I seen her bob her head up and down and show her little thorght fan a few times.
I'am going to get another Anole when the pet store gets some in.I have every thing on your list ecept that calcuim powder for crickets.I don't know where i can get some.I feed my crickets,fish flakes,apples and some newt food which has some D3 calcium in it and some dog food.I just started to feed them this.Thanks.

Kyle Barker
02-16-03, 01:42 AM
I would put a largish fig in there. they are relativly cheap at most nurseries. If it were me i would also have some pothos in there growing up the fig. it looks nice, the plants are really easy to care for, and i guarantee that your anole(s) will love it.

Anole Guy
02-16-03, 03:52 PM
Where could i get these plants?Do you know where i can get some pictures of these plants so i know what they look like and so i know what to look for?Thanks.

02-16-03, 06:46 PM
You should be able to get the plants from any sort of gardening store, just ask the people who work there... As for pictures, go to www.google.ca , click on "Images" and then type in "Pothos" or "Fig"

Hope that helps
Dan Conner

Anole Guy
02-16-03, 06:53 PM
I already have some Pothos in the tank.Thanks.

02-16-03, 06:56 PM
For building the enclosure, you might want to try posting on "Enclosure Creations"
Dan Conner