View Full Version : The struggles of keeping rough earth snakes

10-28-14, 05:05 PM
I have been keeping a rough earth snake for awhile now and I decided to get another one. The only problem with this one is that he/she wont eat. they are in different cages and he/she being a hatchling is in a 1 gallon tank filled half way with organic potting soil. I've had it for about a week now and despite my futile attempts to feed it still looks really healthy. It is wild caught but my other one is too and it feeds from my hand (tongs). any thoughts.
P.S. I looked up reptile laws for Texas and didn't find anything against keeping them.

EL Ziggy
10-28-14, 08:04 PM
I don't keep rough earth snakes but if it's only been a week I doubt there's anything to worry about. Some snakes are shy in the beginning and I'd think even more so with a WC animal. Are your temps and other husbandry requirements on point? If so, give it a little more time to get comfortable in its new environment and keep offering food every 5-7 days. It'll most likely eat eventually. The hunger almost always wins.

10-28-14, 09:33 PM
I started a thread a couple weeks ago about RES, but didn't much response. I'm covered up with them. Offer smaller pieces that he knows he can over power. I'm talking slices not chunks.

10-29-14, 02:58 PM
I keep his temps about 70 at night and 75-80 degrees ferenhiet during the day. I've been offering him full worms so I'll try to feed him slivers of worm. The absolute only reason they are wild caught is because I couldn't find any breeders

10-29-14, 04:42 PM
when keeping wild caught you need to get fecal tests done for parasites.etc

once you get what ever problems you find treated.your wild caught should thrive in your care if your husbandry is correct

cheers shaun

10-30-14, 03:18 PM
Alright I'll take three of its fecal samples to the vet to get them checked thank you

10-30-14, 03:55 PM
I have never seen this snake species in person, i would love to see how you keep them if you ever see the time :)

10-31-14, 03:01 PM
He is shedding now so i think thats why he isn't eating.

10-31-14, 03:12 PM
Ok about keeping them. When I get them i start them off in organic potting soil (like in the wild) and i ease them into aspen bedding. About the not seeing them, i lift the container with a smaller box or bucket and you can see them on the bottom. They are temperate so you don't really need any heating, but I have a light i change the bulb on (night day). They seem to be nocturnal from what I've seen. He comes out at night and explores the container. I use a infrared light at night so I can see him but he cant see me. For feeding them, i move them to a container with about a half of a centimeter of moist dirt and leave them there to adjust for a couple mins the i put a small earthworm in there and usually it eats it (not the new one). And while they're shedding i move them to a moist container of paper towels with the heat lamp. They also have several hides. The new one has a old phone case (wonderful hide) and a old cardboard pot.

11-01-14, 05:08 AM
dont worry about parasites ive kept over 400 wc snakes and have only had 1 that had any as far as Texas goes there arnt too many laws to stop you from keeping wc snakes they ony worry about a hand full of snakes as far as eating gose being wc it may need time to adjust as its used to the outdoors you can heat the cage but the snake will still think it out side