10-27-14, 02:28 PM
The other day at work I noticed some cardboard sitting by the trash that looked perfect for a snake hide. These are the end caps that they use to hold large printer cartridges in place in the packaging. I trimmed them so only the moulded part was left. They even had the shape for the entrance already built in. So my question is would these be a safe material for a hide. My only concern had been that since they are some kind of reconstituted and dried cardboard they are softer and "dustier" than normal cardboard. I am not sure how sensitive ball pythons are to airborne dust and particulates so I thought I would run the idea by everyone here. I realize these would have to be temporary since they couldn't be sanitized, but I thought it may be a good test hide. The ones he has now are half logs, so they seem really exposed. He uses the ones he has now and seems happy enough, but I thought maybe the added security of more of a cave style hide might be good for him. I was hoping to throw these in his tank at some point and see if he seems to prefer them. If he likes them I may invest in some cleanable hides with only one entrance.;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAMAAAA oLQ9TAAACOlBMVEXq6e3Lx7SrpHqknXi8uazi4ujr6u65qVTAq 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 PWDfl5jWBd7bimNgD+JfEFwZC9YTh+Be17s7PTs7PbCwL6Zlom YlYjFw8L////hVcG3AAAAvnRSTlP///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////8Ak7DThgAAAJdJREFUGNNj3MsABM6MILADxGQECngywsA6sEAw IwIsAgrEg1lAKTCYxsLAw/iNG8z+wwqSYDQBsT/zAYn3QiAmC4jJyA8iBMDqWCAU4yNZsCqgAC/ETO2vMp/4EAKvxBlPWEojqeBbH6T9RQqiee9JRmSgxcLAhyLAwMKg+RSJL wAUYJD+COezMYAEGPgZfoN4v9lA3gcAFH4a30cXTbEAAAAASUV ORK5CYII=