View Full Version : captive bred Emerald swift new addition

10-23-14, 06:24 AM
temporary_zps69bc02e2.jpg Photo by JCTRock | Photobucket (http://s284.photobucket.com/user/JCTRock/media/temporary_zps69bc02e2.jpg.html?o=0) This is my new baby, I have been to an importers shop and his swifts were bland in coloration. I asked the shop (Petco) if this swift was indeed captive bred, and the manager told me the breeders name and told me his store does not sell wild caught reptiles and amphibians. I held this little guy after the kind employee held it. The swift was calmly sitting in her hand and obviously was familiar with her. They called my Emerald swift "gonna miss you little fat boy" because he was with this petco for 3-4 months. He had all his toes and shared his small enclosure with a female CB Emerald swift that was also his size. He is snout to length 4 inches of pure keeled scale joy! He is constantly jump to the top of my 20 gal tall's screen and running all over the cage. This is week two he has been with me, he is eating 2-3 medium sized crickets. He has completely ignore the earthworms I bought from my bait shop, I take it he has never seen those before and is not used to them. Since he was raised on crickets, that is all he likes at his 4" 5 month old self! He had all his toes and was bright eyed when I chose him at the petco, all but the tip of his tail was regenerating. The female he shared his cage with at petco had the same regenerated tail tip, I take it they were nipping at each other for the right of territory in petco. Well he is quite happy to be housed by himself in my care. I read careaheets and I am using a basking spot at 95F and 65% humidity.

10-24-14, 09:06 AM
Very pretty little guy.

10-26-14, 11:00 PM
Very pretty little guy.
Thank you.