View Full Version : Y'all ever kept a Rough Earth Snake

10-16-14, 08:46 PM
I know they are small and boring. But have y'all ever kept them? I keep a couple pieces of plywood in the backyard for natural snake hides and check them often. I've got all the RES's I can handle. But I think it would be cool to keep one or two in a critter cage or a 5 gal.

10-16-14, 09:33 PM
Way back when I was a kid just getting into snakes, I would bring home and keep anything I caught....rough earth, lined snakes, ring necked, ribbon/garters....you name it. The rough earth snakes and ring necked snakes made horrible "pets".....they ate well, shed and grew, but you'd never see them. Extremely secretive. After a few weeks of (non)observation, I usually turned them loose again. It drove my mother crazy...I had literally dozens of field collected snakes in my room in various fish tank terrariums.