View Full Version : Storing Frozen Mice

10-09-14, 10:02 AM
I am new to the reptile world and I am looking to get a corn snake. I have a ton of questions and one of the more pressing ones have to do with feeding. I know I am going to feed it f/t because it just seems more practical and I don't think I could in good conscience feed a live mouse to a snake unless I had no other choice. Anyway what I was wanting to know is where do you all store your frozen rodentia? Do you keep them next to your steaks in the freezer? Do you have a separate freezer? Should I get a separate freezer? Also, how long can I safely store them? And how long do I need to let it thaw?

As a side note I am currently living with my parents while I am still in college and I don't think my mom would be too keen on keeping dead rats in the fridge lol :laugh:

10-09-14, 10:04 AM
I stored mine in plastic containers away from other foods. I just recently acquired a mini freezer so I will be using that once I get it up in my room and running

10-09-14, 10:11 AM
I have a drawer for the feeders. I also like to break them up into smaller packages so that they stay fresh longer.

10-09-14, 10:52 AM
I've got a second, dedicated freezer. But that's mostly because I couldn't keep nearly as much in my small freezer as I need, let alone have room for food.

10-09-14, 10:56 AM
I only have one snake so i only keep one bag of frozen mice at a time. I keep them in the bag inside a tupperware but just put them right in the regular freezer, luckily my roomates are pretty cool about it all. Honestly its just another piece of frozen meat haha thats how i convinced them

10-09-14, 12:17 PM
Honestly its just another piece of frozen meat haha thats how i convinced them

This is exactly what I told all of my old roommates who were uncomfortable with it. Just don't throw a thawed one at them.

10-09-14, 12:24 PM
I was storing mine in our main freezer in the kitchen until my wife decided she didn't like rodents next to food. Lol, So I picked up a 5 cu ft freezer on CL and have it in my snakeroom!:cool:

EL Ziggy
10-09-14, 12:52 PM
I have my feeders in the normal freezer away from the human food supply but I've already ordered a 5.0 cu. ft. freezer from Sears that I'm going to pick up this weekend.

10-09-14, 02:28 PM
My mice are bagged and live in an otherwise unused shelf in our freezer. An ice pack sits on top so that no one sees them by accident. /shrugs!

10-09-14, 06:36 PM
I keep my large stuff in a chest freezer dedicated to rodents. The small mice are on the door of our main freezer.

10-09-14, 08:45 PM
I keep mine in ziplock bags, inside paper lunch bags so no one sees them when they open the freezer.

10-11-14, 02:14 AM
I breed, cull and pack my own rodents. I put them in zip lock bags, vacuum seal then wash the exterior of the bag with warm, soapy water. I keep them all in one freezer drawer, but I don't see anything wrong with keeping them beside steaks and other frozen goods for human consumption.

10-11-14, 05:12 PM
i have the complete bottom drawer in our house freezer.....

they are in the sealed plastic bags they were delivered in,then i put them into another plastic bag and tie it so its sealed

after i open a pack of rats,i just tie a knot in the bag they came in,then put that bag inside another plastic bag,then i tie it to seal it as well

must admit it's quite funny when someone visiting goes into the freezer for an ice lolly or ice cream,only to be met by a load of dead rats peering back at them :shocked::laugh:

cheers shaun

10-11-14, 05:15 PM
Mine go in a plastic tub in the top draw of the freezer. Hubby does;t seem to mind too much

10-12-14, 02:04 AM
A.t.m i use the bottom drawer of our freezer, but it only fits about 3 rabbits and one bag of rats. All in a plastic bag. I will be switching back to a separate freezer like i used to have, because i can't stock up on food now and i have to drive for an hour to get any.

10-13-14, 05:48 PM
Luckily I have a second freezer for the snake food (frozen rodents), but eventually will get a bigger one. I can't hold the quantities that I would like to. They are all in ziplock bags and sometimes get packed near the regular frozen food (in the other freezer) if there isn't room. To me, they are just another frozen piece of meat that still have fur and stuff lol.

10-13-14, 08:56 PM
I treat them as I would any other raw meat.