View Full Version : Howdy

10-08-14, 09:35 AM
Hello everyone! I am new, to this forum and the snake world. I don't have a snake yet. I am still doing research on what I want to get. I can't decide between a corn snake or a ball python. From what I read corns are easier to take care of but are squirmy and (maybe) nippy while bps are more chill but require a little more tlc (how do they survive if they don't eat for months?)

A little bit about me: I am an art student. I live in Oklahoma. And I like video games.

Anywho I am really excited to be here and I can't wait to meet you all! :yes:

EL Ziggy
10-08-14, 03:24 PM
Welcome and best wishes.

10-08-14, 03:31 PM
Hey and Welcome!

10-08-14, 05:58 PM
Hiya! And thanks :D

10-08-14, 06:07 PM
Welcome, and to answer your question. BP's survive by becoming less active. They digest slowly and maintain the nutrients for a longer period of time then say a dog or cat, thus the reason they don't eat as often to begin with. I have both BPs and Corns and they both have their benifits. I love corns more because they're far more active and they come in a seemingly endless variety of colors. Corns and BPs are equally as "nippy" in my opinion. but both snakes are great starter snakes, just remember that BPs are less active than corns by nature. Also BPs get larger (mainly more girth) and you'll need to get use to them going off feeding for months on end, I had a BP go 3-4 months without food! Good luck with your choice and I'm glad you're here before making a choice, lots of very good advice here, and you're already off to a great start coming here!

10-08-14, 07:27 PM
Wow. That's actually pretty cool. So if they digest more slowly do they not defecate as often? Silly question I know. Anyway, thank you! I'm going to be doing a lot of research before I actually buy anything. There is so much to learn and I don't know where to start. This seems like a good place to though. :)

10-08-14, 07:30 PM
Also I am reading all of the names of everyone's snakes and they are cracking me up. What do the 1.0 mean?

10-08-14, 07:39 PM
Both are great snakes. BP's are more "chill" but also more sedentary (sometimes referred to as "pet rocks"). They're also a lot heftier which makes them feel a little more substantial. Corns are a little more active, although they tend to not move a ton either, except when hungry. They move around a lot more when being handled though. Both are beautiful snakes.

1.0 means one male and zero females.
1.1.1 means one male, one female, and one unknown

10-09-14, 02:42 AM
Hey and welcome

10-09-14, 05:11 AM
Good job asking questions and researching before you buy a snake.

The sedentary ball python can be a benefit if you enjoy doing other tasks while having your snake with you - simply drape around shoulders/neck and go about your business! Mine only starts to unwind when I sit on the couch because he likes to stretch out along the top/backrest.

Other than that he is like an invisible pet from 6am - 10pm, sometimes just peeking his head out from the hide. After 10pm though he does come out and is interesting to watch if you have a fair sized viewable setup with sticks/etc. set up to climb around on.

10-09-14, 05:16 AM
Fleagirl......hey, it's good to have another Okie on the board :)

Welcome....lots of really good info here.

10-09-14, 07:50 AM
Hellllo! this is a great place for information! Be careful though, you may end up with more snakes than you originally thought after looking at everyones beautiful animals here :)

10-09-14, 07:52 AM
Hellllo! this is a great place for information! Be careful though, you may end up with more snakes than you originally thought after looking at everyones beautiful animals here :)

That's our evil plan! :p

10-09-14, 09:10 AM
lol There are so many pretty snakes its hard to choose!

10-09-14, 09:13 AM
lol There are so many pretty snakes its hard to choose!

Exactly! That is the hardest part! :p

10-09-14, 11:01 AM
Hahaha well the evil plan is working! Im slowly convincing my girlfriend that bigger snakes are better haha the jump from a rosy boa to a carpet python is going to freak her out a little :p

10-09-14, 11:35 AM
Haha well the evil plan is working! Im slowly convincing my girlfriend that bigger snakes are better. The jump from rosy boa to carpet python might freak her out a little :p

10-09-14, 11:39 AM
Sorry about the double post haha no service in class...cant figure out how to delete a post

10-09-14, 12:15 PM
Haha well the evil plan is working! Im slowly convincing my girlfriend that bigger snakes are better. The jump from rosy boa to carpet python might freak her out a little :p

Carpet python would make an excellent second addition! :cool:

10-10-14, 12:50 PM
Wow. That's actually pretty cool. So if they digest more slowly do they not defecate as often? Silly question I know. Anyway, thank you! I'm going to be doing a lot of research before I actually buy anything. There is so much to learn and I don't know where to start. This seems like a good place to though. :)

Silly, never! Keep the questions coming, they're good! But yes, they do deficate far less often, my boa usually only does it about once every week or two, maybe longer, but they do smell, and pinkies make a gross smell IMO.

Also I am reading all of the names of everyone's snakes and they are cracking me up. What do the 1.0 mean?

1.0 - 0.1 - and 0.0.1 is a gender identification set up. 1.0 means 1 male, 0.2 means 2 females, and 0.0.1 means 1 unknown.