View Full Version : My retics

10-06-14, 08:36 PM
I'm new to the giants, but I have to say these have become my favorite snakes I've ever kept in the past 6 months I've had them. Here they are.

Lucy. Normal het Albino
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/p240x240/10708052_834102833286700_1432211973_n.jpg?oh=406fb bdc9d857d9388799ae801b08d92&oe=543578EB&__gda__=1412789076_32fb0e2347bd6497773c7e42bf3a97d b

Ricky. Normal het Albino. He's the same age as my female but a much more aggressive feeder so he's quite a bit bigger
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10716194_834101783286805_1845867156_n.jpg?oh=ad045 a0200086d9da04f3b787cb1d716&oe=54354AF8&__gda__=1412787880_f5440f71274b040eeeca9fc21a1a621 b

https://scontent-b-mxp.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10519500_798360206860963_462701288990031101_n.jpg? oh=94c0f8dd983aef01b90bf2aa4e445a17&oe=54B6F854

Elsa. Goldenchild het Albino. She's the youngest of the three but by far my favorite. I absolutely have fallen in love with goldenchilds(ren?) and their combos

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10711613_834104223286561_589485292_n.jpg?oh=f80237 e97113757c87c2ab8c33c7009f&oe=5435278C&__gda__=1412780625_c2606704d63ac6dda66aa29025a7311 a

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10565179_803725256324458_2958402982657583928_n.jpg ?oh=26aca6240ab9b9a0aa4a7c4c39b524b3&oe=54C867A0&__gda__=1421193162_935c6ed0b7a341da4bd87ad82de0031 c


10-06-14, 08:38 PM
Also a necessary comment: I have never seen a snake grow so fast in my life. The male has grown on average 6 inches a month. The first month he barely grew then the next month he grew 9 inches. That's absurd.

EL Ziggy
10-06-14, 09:06 PM
Beautiful retics Steve. That Elsa is a real gem.

dave himself
10-06-14, 10:42 PM
Lovely retics mate :)

10-07-14, 04:50 AM
whats not to love about retics, great looking specimens btw :D

10-07-14, 06:18 AM
Thanks yall! I know I still got another 2 and a half years but I absolutely cannot wait for those beautiful albino goldenchilds!

10-07-14, 08:20 AM
nice animals you got there. I too am a huge fan of the goldenchild morph and combos.

David VB
10-07-14, 09:58 AM
Nice looking retics you got there. I'm more a fan of the normals btw ;)

10-07-14, 10:53 AM
I love the way the normals look as well but there's just something about them goldenchilds that can make just about any morph look better haha

10-07-14, 06:24 PM
Very nice dark GC. The rest look very nice as well.

10-07-14, 07:15 PM
I like the normals too, love the pattern and the colors.

10-08-14, 03:02 AM
Thanks yall. I do have a question though... every once in a while one of them wont eat for a couple weeks. The females are on small rats and the male is on mediums. Keeping snakes in the past I've had issues with non-feeders but it was usually linked to breeding/gravid, shedding, temps, or a snake that i was trying to convert to mice. These guys have ambient temps of 75-76 with a 88-89 hot spot, they get misted daily and are obviously no where near breeding size. I've always heard of retics being agressive feeders so just curious as to why they would refuse food.

10-08-14, 03:09 AM
Also they all have hides big enough to get in but small enough for them to feel secure

10-08-14, 11:03 AM
Do you leave the prey item in with them and walk away for a while? I've got a few that I have to do that with, they won't eat with an audience. Hell I've got one that won't strike sometimes but if you leave it in with her she'll get around to it in her own sweet time. She did that with her chicken last night actually.

10-08-14, 01:56 PM
The normal female had a shy period where she would only eat left alone in the dark. My wife tried that with the other two this past time (She's caring for them while I'm gone) and they still didn't eat. It's only been a week so I figure they may just not be hungry yet but I want to make sure I'm doing everything right as well since these are my first retics and I've only had them for about 6 months. The only one I've worked with before was at a reptile house I used to work at and she would eat every day if we would have offered haha.

10-08-14, 02:35 PM
How long did you leave the prey in with them? The nice thing about f/t is it can't really harm them.

10-08-14, 03:50 PM
Only a couple hours with her checking on them every 10 min or so without disturbing them. I don't really trust the places we have local for F/T due to recalls so I order them and we just ran out so she fed live this time around.

10-08-14, 06:14 PM
I just drop the food in and leave for a few hours. You might think you're disturbing them every 10 minutes when you check, but you are.

10-14-14, 10:54 AM
Beautiful retic's you have there, almost bought a golden child but decided against it.