View Full Version : Chicks instead of rats/mice?

10-05-14, 12:57 PM
I was wondering if frozen thawed chickens could be a substitute for most snakes? I'm considering getting a new snake this weekend and was wondering about this, not sure what I'll find but was curious if it would work.

10-05-14, 01:40 PM
Rats and mice are better in general, but chicks are still pretty good. You just don't want to feed a snake on exclusively day old chicks.

10-06-14, 12:00 PM
I have a retic that will only eat quail and chickens. he seams to be doing fine.

10-06-14, 12:08 PM
There's always the risk of the beak tearing up the insides of the snake. Personally, I don't use chicks at all unless it's a last resort to try and get a snake to willingly eat. I hear it's like crack to them and could possibly not switch back to rodents after. Raw poultry could also risk salmonella for both the animal or you (slim, but it does raise the risk versus a rodent).

Plus, a poultry diet makes for wayyyy stinker poops, so I hear. Poultry and fish make for big stinks (for snakes that isn't in it's usual diet.)

10-06-14, 01:10 PM
There's always the risk of the beak tearing up the insides of the snake. Personally, I don't use chicks at all unless it's a last resort to try and get a snake to willingly eat. I hear it's like crack to them and could possibly not switch back to rodents after. Raw poultry could also risk salmonella for both the animal or you (slim, but it does raise the risk versus a rodent).

Plus, a poultry diet makes for wayyyy stinker poops, so I hear. Poultry and fish make for big stinks (for snakes that isn't in it's usual diet.)

The same could easily be said of rodent claws. I actually had the claws of a frozen mouse cut me THROUGH the packaging it was shipped in. Imagine the damage they could do to a snake's insides.

10-06-14, 03:04 PM
Rabbit claws are way worse than rat claws and probably as equally dangerous as a chicken's beak/claws. I use all of the above (and more) without issue.

10-06-14, 04:21 PM
snakes feeding on chicks tend to have runny really really smelly poops mate

cheers shaun

10-06-14, 04:24 PM
snakes feeding on chicks tend to have runny really really smelly poops mate

cheers shaun

In my experience it's only when smaller chicks are fed. I haven't experienced this when feeding larger chickens. In fact, I get nice poop/feather bundles that makes cleaning a breeze if I'm lucky. I'll get a picture next time.

10-06-14, 06:28 PM
If I am not mistaken chickens are lower in protein, fat and calcium(hallow bones) compared to rats/mice but I wouldn't know if feeding a snake exclusively chicken would cause any nutrient deficiency.

10-07-14, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the input guys :) I'll keep thinking on it and decide what would work if I get a snake.

10-08-14, 06:43 PM
In my experience it's only when smaller chicks are fed. I haven't experienced this when feeding larger chickens. In fact, I get nice poop/feather bundles that makes cleaning a breeze if I'm lucky. I'll get a picture next time.

thanks for the info mate

cheers shaun

10-08-14, 07:27 PM
Jumbo chicken was consumed last night (3+ lbs), lots of feathers on that bird too, I'll snap a picture when it comes out the other end.

10-12-14, 08:37 AM
Could a columbian rainbow boa be healthy if fed chicks when it is an adult?

10-12-14, 10:45 AM
You probably shouldn't feed a snake on exclusively chicks. They're bad when added to a snakes diet, but they don't have as much calcium as rodents and produce runny bowel movements. If you want to feed a lot of birds, you could try getting some older quail.

10-12-14, 04:24 PM
Okay thanks :) I just got a tiny baby Columbian rainbow boa I named Cecil, and a little male hognose that has yet to be named. I'm so happy!

Little Wise Owl
10-12-14, 07:49 PM
There's always the risk of the beak tearing up the insides of the snake. Personally, I don't use chicks at all unless it's a last resort to try and get a snake to willingly eat. I hear it's like crack to them and could possibly not switch back to rodents after. Raw poultry could also risk salmonella for both the animal or you (slim, but it does raise the risk versus a rodent).

Plus, a poultry diet makes for wayyyy stinker poops, so I hear. Poultry and fish make for big stinks (for snakes that isn't in it's usual diet.)

It always sort of baffles me that people think this. What about the large snakes that eat animals with horns or antlers? Or rabbit claws, rat claws, broken bones? Or snakes that eat eggs whole, crush them inside their body and yak them back up? It reminds me of when people ask if they can feed raw chicken feet to their dogs and are worried about the nails hurting them and asking "Should I clip the nails?"....

Anyway, I occasionally feed my BCI chicks that my tegu didn't eat and have yet to experience the awful poop people always talk about. Maybe it depends on the snake?

I wouldn't exclusively feed chicks but I would definitely add them for variety (given that the snake doesn't get addicted to one prey item).

10-12-14, 08:21 PM
It always sort of baffles me that people think this. What about the large snakes that eat animals with horns or antlers? Or rabbit claws, rat claws, broken bones? Or snakes that eat eggs whole, crush them inside their body and yak them back up? It reminds me of when people ask if they can feed raw chicken feet to their dogs and are worried about the nails hurting them and asking "Should I clip the nails?"....

Anyway, I occasionally feed my BCI chicks that my tegu didn't eat and have yet to experience the awful poop people always talk about. Maybe it depends on the snake?

I wouldn't exclusively feed chicks but I would definitely add them for variety (given that the snake doesn't get addicted to one prey item).

I'll be honest: I was nervous feeding my corn a chick the other day. The beak was definitely noticeable as it made it's way down. Still, snakes insides are resilient.

10-13-14, 08:40 AM
Yeah I was thinking that maybe I could feed my rainbow a mixed diet when she is larger if she isn't picky.

10-13-14, 12:06 PM
I actually haven't noticed any more odor from day old chicks compared to rodents, and the poo isn't that runny.

10-13-14, 01:16 PM
Chicken looks like it was fully digested a few days ago. Should have feather bundle poo soon.

10-13-14, 01:44 PM
Also, if the snake is big enough, it might help to feed a mouse or rat with the chick. More calcium plus fur to hold the waste together.