View Full Version : Identifying this tortoise, help!

10-01-14, 06:51 PM
Hey guys so my friend has this tortoise, and I'm looking to take ownership, but I have no idea what species this is, maybe it's just me, any ideas would be nice she says she found it, and I live in Las Vegas nv. But it doesn't look like the desert tortoise I've seen around here.

Zoo Nanny
10-02-14, 11:44 AM
Sure looks like a Mojave Dessert Tortoise from that angle. Pictures showing his face/head and legs would help. If it is there is some good information on this site regarding ownership legalities and care.
The Law and the Desert Tortoise in Nevada: Q&A - Tortoise Group (http://www.tortoisegroup.org/infosheets/infosheet29.php)

10-06-14, 09:32 AM
It does look to possibly be a dessert tortoise.