09-30-14, 07:51 PM
Hi! This is Salazar, my first snake. He's a Coastal x Jungle CP and am told he's about four years old. I got him three weeks ago. Last week I bought and set up his new cage: an Animal Plastics T10.
So far he's spent the majority of his time in his warm hide. I'm hoping he'll start to feel more comfortable because I'd really love to see him using those perches. Do you see anything that would make them unappealing? The low one is below the RHP (about 8 inches below) and the high one is a few inches behind it so he won't be burned.
Heating is an 80w RHP. The hot spot stays around 90F (set with a thermostat) and ambients around 80F according to the two thermometers I have in the cage. I also have an IR thermometer for spot checking.
I would love any comments/criticisms for his setup! This is my first snake so I'm still figuring everything out. I just want him to be comfortable.
Here are a few pictures. The rest can be found in this imgur album: Salazar and the Chamber of Secrets - Imgur (http://imgur.com/a/Je9GW)
This is a hide my partner made from clay. We think it might be a little small so we're going to leave it in for a day or two on a trial basis. His cool hide is definitely a little small for him. We're currently working on a better one.
So far he's spent the majority of his time in his warm hide. I'm hoping he'll start to feel more comfortable because I'd really love to see him using those perches. Do you see anything that would make them unappealing? The low one is below the RHP (about 8 inches below) and the high one is a few inches behind it so he won't be burned.
Heating is an 80w RHP. The hot spot stays around 90F (set with a thermostat) and ambients around 80F according to the two thermometers I have in the cage. I also have an IR thermometer for spot checking.
I would love any comments/criticisms for his setup! This is my first snake so I'm still figuring everything out. I just want him to be comfortable.
Here are a few pictures. The rest can be found in this imgur album: Salazar and the Chamber of Secrets - Imgur (http://imgur.com/a/Je9GW)
This is a hide my partner made from clay. We think it might be a little small so we're going to leave it in for a day or two on a trial basis. His cool hide is definitely a little small for him. We're currently working on a better one.