View Full Version : Update "pond in the basement" - common snapper

09-27-14, 07:40 PM
Hey everyone, been a while since i have been online but for anyone who was wondering the status of the common snapper with shell injury that we were caring for over winter, he was successfully released early this summer in the same location he was found.

The thread is now locked, but was titled pond in the basement.

I was away from home for several months so my wonderful wife took over caring for the turtle until his release. He put on a lot of weight and the crack was nearly healed completely shut. She is less hands on than I, so sorry no official weight gain results (he fattened up nicely) but I am confident he will fare much better going into this upcoming winter than the condition we found him going into last year's harsh winter!

We had to slow down his feeding a bit because he was actually starting to get slightly obese with the confinement of the small pond setup and a silver spoon steady diet of crawdads, shad, and nightcrawlers! I figured it will be good for reserves while he is getting used to hunting/scavenging on his own again in the wild.

Jim Smith
09-28-14, 07:30 AM
Nice job! I was good of you to rescue this little guy and bring him back to health enough to care for himself. Well done!!!