View Full Version : Some snake questions!

09-25-14, 11:02 PM
Hi all! :) My name is Adri, I just joined here.
I own 1 Border Collie and 10 chickens(with more in the incubator)...I also have a 100 gallon aquarium in the main room of my house.
I have an empty 35 gallon sitting in my garage. It needs to be cleaned with vinegar to remove hard water stains, but other than that it's in good shape and I think it would make a nice terrarium.

I spent $165 on a beautiful Crested Gecko that I named King Charlie. I loved him and did everything right - misted his enclosure, gave him fresh food and water every other day, etc...and he passed away for seemingly no reason after just a month or two. He was just a baby :confused:



I miss having a reptile in the house but don't want another Crested Gecko. I'm gun shy now, so to speak. I'd like to try my hand at snake keeping, but am scared of having a baby snake die on me. Can anyone put me at ease? How difficult is it to keep them alive?

I have fallen in love with Reverse Striped King Snakes...i just need to find the ~$125 to buy one lol. It seems the most expensive part of snake keeping is getting the snake & setup? I'm a poor college student, I have $30 to my name right now. Sigh, at this point it feels like a snake is just an unreachable dream because it looks like I'm going to have to wait MONTHS to be able to afford one and all it needs.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Go easy on me, I know I have a lot to learn :)

Here's my questions...
Is the 35 big enough to hold the Reverse Stripe King Snake(OR Hi White, either one) for life, or will I eventually need to upgrade? It is 36" long by 12.5" wide. I keep finding conflicting information on this.

I can't find a screen top to fit the tank. I can only find 36x12 or 36x18! What can I use for a top on the tank?

How often should a juvenile snake be fed? I've found conflicting information on this, too.

Is Aspen Snake Bedding the best substrate to use? Why should sand not be used?

TIA everyone! :)

09-26-14, 08:06 AM
Welcome to the forum! Please read our sSNAKESs forum rules. (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v651/alessia55/welcomematssnakess.jpg

09-26-14, 09:11 AM
Hi all! :) My name is Adri, I just joined here.
I own 1 Border Collie and 10 chickens(with more in the incubator)...I also have a 100 gallon aquarium in the main room of my house.
I have an empty 35 gallon sitting in my garage. It needs to be cleaned with vinegar to remove hard water stains, but other than that it's in good shape and I think it would make a nice terrarium.

I spent $165 on a beautiful Crested Gecko that I named King Charlie. I loved him and did everything right - misted his enclosure, gave him fresh food and water every other day, etc...and he passed away for seemingly no reason after just a month or two. He was just a baby :confused:



I miss having a reptile in the house but don't want another Crested Gecko. I'm gun shy now, so to speak. I'd like to try my hand at snake keeping, but am scared of having a baby snake die on me. Can anyone put me at ease? How difficult is it to keep them alive?

I have fallen in love with Reverse Striped King Snakes...i just need to find the ~$125 to buy one lol. It seems the most expensive part of snake keeping is getting the snake & setup? I'm a poor college student, I have $30 to my name right now. Sigh, at this point it feels like a snake is just an unreachable dream because it looks like I'm going to have to wait MONTHS to be able to afford one and all it needs.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Go easy on me, I know I have a lot to learn :)

Here's my questions...
Is the 35 big enough to hold the Reverse Stripe King Snake(OR Hi White, either one) for life, or will I eventually need to upgrade? It is 36" long by 12.5" wide. I keep finding conflicting information on this.

I can't find a screen top to fit the tank. I can only find 36x12 or 36x18! What can I use for a top on the tank?

How often should a juvenile snake be fed? I've found conflicting information on this, too.

Is Aspen Snake Bedding the best substrate to use? Why should sand not be used?

TIA everyone! :)
That size sounds fine, but bigger is always better. I would get a male, they stay a bit smaller, but not by much. For a juvenile, make sure you provide plenty of hiding spaces. Juveniles should be fed about every 5-7 days and as it gets older every 7-10. I highly recommend aspen, kings looove to burrow in it.

09-26-14, 09:27 AM
Hey and welcome.

09-26-14, 10:03 AM
Thanks everyone!!

Can a juvenile King Snake live in the 35 gallon from the time it arrives(if plenty of hiding spaces are provided) or should I start it out in my 15 gallon tall tank? Or a large critter keeper...? I keep hearing that they're fine to live in big enclosures as babies, AND that they shouldn't be kept in big enclosures as babies. I don't know what to believe!

I think I've decided on a High White King Snake, the more research I do the more it seems like one of those would be a good match for me.

09-26-14, 12:23 PM
The enclosure size seems to me to be a difference of opinion more than fact. For someone who's breeding/keeping a number of snakes minimal enclosures are easier to manage, and don't do any harm to the critters. For someone keeping one or more pets it's a different set of considerations. I can't see why a larger enclosure would be a disadvantage to the animal, they certainly aren't confined to a tiny area in nature. A suitable size hide is a different matter though, they do need somewhere they'll feel secure, but I can't imagine having somewhat more room to move around when they want to would make them feel threatened.
Aspen bedding is great for any type of burrowing ground species, less critical for climbing or arboreal animals.

09-26-14, 01:53 PM
I think a larger space is okay, as long as it's not mostly open space. I use a combination of fake plants, toilet paper tubes, and a couple of basic hides to 'clutter' up the space. Crinkled up newspaper can work, too.

Between cardboard tubes and maybe some Goodwill finds, you can do all that relatively cheaply if you don't mind things looking weird for awhile. Heck, my baby mostly hid under the substrate for a month. I don't think it's worth investing a lot of money in pretty hides for babies who are going to outgrow them, anyway.

I don't know about a top, really. Are you sure it's 12.5? I found a lid that was 36x12 on Amazon.

09-26-14, 03:35 PM
Yep, I'm positive it's 12.5", it's a tank with very unusual dimensions. I may just end up buying a 40 breeder if it'll fit on my stand, once I can afford it...Months and months from now.
Cardboard tubes and newspaper, that's a good idea!

So right now my main concern is getting a snake that is healthy. I like the snakes that Backwater Reptiles sells, but I've seen some very bad reviews of them online. BUT they do offer a replacement if your snake dies in 7 days. However, I don't want to support a company that sells unhealthy animals if I can avoid it.

I see that BHB Reptiles also sells High White California King Snakes...
Are they better? It's $30 more, which is a lot when you are counting pennies, but I would rather spend a little more and get an animal that's going to be in good health.
I do NOT care about the animal being "show quality," I just care about health. This snake will just be a pet, not a breeder. As long as it looks like what I order, (ex I want a mostly white King Snake with some black markings on the body and/or head) and is in good health, I'll be happy. I'd really like a High White, but am also open to a Reverse Stripe. Only thing I don't see on the BHB Reptiles website is if they have any guarantee as to the health of their animals.

Of course, I'm open to other companies too, I just haven't found any others that sell what I want. I think I might not be looking hard enough lol

09-26-14, 04:51 PM
Hmm, what size under-tank heating pad should I get? It gets pretty cool in my house, will that be a problem for a snake even if they have an under-tank heat pad?
I'm looking to get a Zoo Med ReptiTherm Heat Pad as they're well priced and have good reviews.I just don't know if I should get a small, medium, or large. I might start the snake out in my 15 gallon tall and then move him or her to a 40g once I can afford one.

09-26-14, 11:56 PM
Get a larger tank and use a cheap divider if you really want/need a smaller space for the time being. Check Craiglist for used tanks, or watch for the $1/gallon sales at petco. any reptile shows in your area? IME they're great places to find new pets at much better prices than pet stores.

09-27-14, 06:54 AM
Hmm, what size under-tank heating pad should I get? It gets pretty cool in my house, will that be a problem for a snake even if they have an under-tank heat pad?
I'm looking to get a Zoo Med ReptiTherm Heat Pad as they're well priced and have good reviews.I just don't know if I should get a small, medium, or large. I might start the snake out in my 15 gallon tall and then move him or her to a 40g once I can afford one.

A good rule of thumb is that the heat pad should take up approximately 1/3 of the cage. colubrids typically require their hotspot between 85-90 so investing in a thermostat to keep your heat pad at those temperatures is an absolute must.

09-27-14, 07:00 AM
Beginner tip: be sure to get a thermostat for you heating pad. If you don't, you risk the temps fluctuating wildly and/or a burned snake! When I first came to this forum years ago I had no idea you needed a thermostat. Was very thankful to be given that information.

Always have a hide on the warm side and a hide on the cool side of a tank. Flexwatt heat tape is even better than a heat pad(and often cheaper). I have both.

As for a lid? I'd make my own. That's what I had to do for my crested gecko tank because, at the time, I couldn't afford buying one of those tanks that opens from the front. I'd go to home depot and get some plexiglass and MacGyver a lid ;)

09-27-14, 02:52 PM
Thank you everyone! Your help is priceless. :) :)
I've made some money and will be placing my order for my snake either tonight or tomorrow! I went out and got everything I needed today! I set up my 15 gallon tank with paper towels for the substrate, but will eventually change to Aspen Snake Shavings or whatever it's called. I'm using my Crested Gecko's old tank and some of his stuff, the tank with all the stuff in it has been empty for a long time, several months.


I have the heat pad turned on, it's warming up. Hopefully it'll get to the right temp, it's not adjustable at all - none of the heat pads at the pet store were.

Do I need to take everything, including the tank and the fake plants, and clean it all with a bleach solution since it housed a gecko several months ago? Or will it be fine with just having been rinsed off?

NOTE: This is not his permanent enclosure, I'm just using this until I can either buy a new tank with a lid that fits, OR make a lid for the 35 gallon. I hope to have it done within a month or two.

09-27-14, 03:51 PM
I got a rheostat instead of a thermostat for my heating pad. Thermostats are more likely to fail eventually, and the room temp in the basement is quite stable anyway. W/out the rheostat the bottom of the tank over the heating pad was reading 100, now it's been dialed back to 85.

09-27-14, 04:34 PM
Good idea! I want one of these...

09-27-14, 04:51 PM
So I went and checked the thermostat since it's been a couple hours since I turned on the heating pad. It read the same temperature as it is inside my house. However, the bottom of the tank is warm to the touch...Is this thing not getting hot enough? How can I tell since the thermometer isn't reading the temp at the bottom of the tank? Should I put the thermometer on the bottom of the tank?

09-27-14, 05:22 PM
Get a cheap infrared laser thermometer from e-bay, I think I paid about $10 for mine.

09-27-14, 05:34 PM
Good news! I set the thermometer on the bottom of the tank and it was hovering a little bit above the bottom since it was standing on suction cups...and it's reading just over/about 80 degrees! So it's probably closer to 83 or so when you're actually touching it. That should be just fine for mister snakey until my "Hydrofarm MTPRTC Digital Thermostat For Heat Mats" arrives, shouldn't it? Can I go ahead and order my snake, or is the few degrees difference that important? I trust the heat pad to not malfunction and burn the snake since it has very good reviews.

09-27-14, 06:44 PM
I agree with the above statement. Get a temp gun. There cheap and you can pick them up at Lowe's or home Depot. Invaluable tool for herps. As far as the tank not being warm to the touch, your hand is likely warmer than the temp your looking for, so you won't feel heat most likely. Once your thermostat comes in, put the probe between the bottom of the tank and the heat pad. Turn it on and let the temp climb. Use the temp gun to check the temp reading on the floor of the tank over the mat. Once it reads the temperature you're looking for, set the thermostat to whatever temp it's reading. Keep in mind the temp you set the thermostat at and the temp in the tank will likely be different. This is due to the probe being directly on the heat pad.

09-27-14, 06:55 PM
Very good idea, thank you. I'll go pick one up.
Getting ready to place my order for my snake. Eep! I'm so excited.

09-27-14, 08:09 PM
I thought I'd share a few pictures I took today.
I am so beyond excited to get my snake. I'm ordering him today and hoping he will ship out on Monday and arrive Tuesday. How long is the "settling in" period for a King Snake? I've read anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. How long before they can be handled and how long before they should be fed?

09-27-14, 08:13 PM
Great photography! What equipment did you use for those shots?

There is no exact settling in period for snakes. However I'd say it's good to let them have a few meals and get used to their new "home" before starting to take them out.

09-27-14, 08:40 PM
Great photography! What equipment did you use for those shots?

There is no exact settling in period for snakes. However I'd say it's good to let them have a few meals and get used to their new "home" before starting to take them out.

Thank you! I use a Nikon D600 with Tokina 100mm, along with manual macro extension tubes for macro photography. Or just the camera/lens without tubes, sometimes.
How long should one wait before feeding a new snake? Should it be done ASAP, or should I wait at least 5-7 days before feeding?

09-27-14, 08:58 PM
Thank you! I use a Nikon D600 with Tokina 100mm, along with manual macro extension tubes for macro photography. Or just the camera/lens without tubes, sometimes.
How long should one wait before feeding a new snake? Should it be done ASAP, or should I wait at least 5-7 days before feeding?

People have differing opinions, but I've had success with feeding most of my snakes on their first night here(carpet pythons). Kingsnakes should be even easier with their voracious appetite.

09-27-14, 09:01 PM
People have differing opinions, but I've had success with feeding most of my snakes on their first night here(carpet pythons). Kingsnakes should be even easier with their voracious appetite.

Awesome. I already have my pinkie mice, bought 6 of them at Petsmart today, so I'm ready! They're kind of scary looking to be honest...ick!
I'll try feeding on his first night so he can settle in with a full belly. :)

09-27-14, 09:14 PM
Awesome. I already have my pinkie mice, bought 6 of them at Petsmart today, so I'm ready! They're kind of scary looking to be honest...ick!
I'll try feeding on his first night so he can settle in with a full belly. :)

lol you'll get used to it. Mice with hair aren't nearly as "ick" haha.

09-27-14, 09:45 PM
Very true.
So I have two main concerns/questions right now, for anyone who wants to answer...
How hard is it to keep baby snakes alive, specifically California King Snakes like the one I'll be ordering? After my Crested Gecko dying for seemingly no reason, I'm scared of spending all this money on a snake and then having it die. I'm ordering from BHB reptiles.

Second, should I bleach the snake's tank and everything in it since it used to be the Crested Gecko's tank, or is it fine with having just been wiped down with a wet paper towel?

09-27-14, 09:58 PM
Kings are one of the easiest to maintain, but as with any reptile it's important to monitor temps/humidity/water..etc regularly. Do that and you should be fine.

Though tanks are okay for kingsnakes, I'd reccomend looking into getting a real snake enclosure such as animalplastics.com, boaphile.com, constrictors nw...etc. The screen top isn't good at retaining heat or humidity(you can cover it), and front opening enclosures are usually easier to work with since you don't have to remove the heat lamp/undo the locking clamps all the time, potentially stressing your snake out.

I'd probably disinfect the tank just to be careful.

EL Ziggy
09-27-14, 10:20 PM
You never know when any living thing might die but king snakes are pretty hardy. If you buy a healthy animal, and make sure your husbandry is up to par, hopefully your snake will have a good long life. I would clean the enclosure and the tank accessories with bleach and hot water and give it time to air out before moving a new snake in. I attempt to feed new snakes 2-3 days after their arrival and I try to hold off handling them until they've eaten for me twice with no issues.

09-28-14, 04:04 PM
What do you guys think about the humidity for King Snakes? I've ready anywhere from "normal humidity in your house is fine"(which in my house is about 30%) to "they need 40-60% humidity" to "the bowl of water provides all the humidity they need"

Also, does the enclosure look suitable for a young Snake? Pictures on the last page.

09-28-14, 04:06 PM
Also, I placed my order for my snake last night! I feel that I'm ready & prepared. He will hopefully be here on Tuesday.

EL Ziggy
09-28-14, 04:47 PM
Also, I placed my order for my snake last night! I feel that I'm ready & prepared. He will hopefully be here on Tuesday.
Best wishes with your new king. I believe you'll really like him. They're easy to keep, awesome feeders, and most of the ones I know have really good temperaments. Make sure you have a safe heat source, water bowl, hides on both the cool and warm sides of your enclosure, and a good thermostat to control your temps. Ambient humidity is fine for kings. I usually mist their tanks or add a moist hide during shed. That's pretty much all you need to get started. I'd also add a few more fake plants and cover 3 sides of the tank for added privacy and security. I couldn't see the top of your enclosure. Is it escape proof? Snakes are notorious escape artists. You don't want to leave them any openings. Best wishes and post pics when you can :)

09-28-14, 05:23 PM
Good idea! I want one of these...

Great thermostat for the money. I ordered my last two here from the source that Drumcrush found:

Hydrofarm MTPRTC Digital Heat Mat Temperature Controller 6" at EssentialHardware.com (http://www.essentialhardware.com/hydrofarm-mtprtc-digital-heat-mat-temperature-controller-6-147951.html)

09-28-14, 06:06 PM
Best wishes with your new king. I believe you'll really like him. They're easy to keep, awesome feeders, and most of the ones I know have really good temperaments. Make sure you have a safe heat source, water bowl, hides on both the cool and warm sides of your enclosure, and a good thermostat to control your temps. Ambient humidity is fine for kings. I usually mist their tanks or add a moist hide during shed. That's pretty much all you need to get started. I'd also add a few more fake plants and cover 3 sides of the tank for added privacy and security. I couldn't see the top of your enclosure. Is it escape proof? Snakes are notorious escape artists. You don't want to leave them any openings. Best wishes and post pics when you can :)

Thanks so much! I'll post pictures when I get him, I plan on doing a VERY fast photoshoot so that you guys can tell me what body condition he's in and if he looks healthy. :) Then I'll leave him alone for a couple weeks.
I believe the top is escape-proof, it is a screen cover with an aquarium light on top of it. I don't think he'll be getting out! But I'd like to buy some locking screen clips, I'll have to stop by the pet store and get some. How do they work?
The only reason I did not cover the sides of the tank is because it's in a place where he will see no activity. It's in the stand of my 100 gallon aquarium, so technically it is covered on all 4 sides. :) He can't see anything but walls.

Great thermostat for the money. I ordered my last two here from the source that Drumcrush found:

Hydrofarm MTPRTC Digital Heat Mat Temperature Controller 6" at EssentialHardware.com (http://www.essentialhardware.com/hydrofarm-mtprtc-digital-heat-mat-temperature-controller-6-147951.html)

I'll check it out, thanks!

09-28-14, 07:18 PM
Mister snakey's tank and fake plants are currently being soaked in a very hot bleach bath, it's full of water/a ton of bleach, and the plants, which wanted to float, are being held down with forks lol

EL Ziggy
09-28-14, 07:36 PM
The water to bleach ratio should be 10 parts water to 1 part bleach. Make sure you rinse everything with clean hot water after bleaching and let it dry thoroughly. I'd definitely add the locking clips to the top if it's not the slide in locking screen top.

09-28-14, 07:51 PM
The water to bleach ratio should be 10 parts water to 1 part bleach. Make sure you rinse everything with clean hot water after bleaching and let it dry thoroughly. I'd definitely add the locking clips to the top if it's not the slide in locking screen top.

I'll be sure to rinse really well. Usually when I bleach tanks, fish are going in after, so I'm a master at getting bleach rinsed off. :)
I'll stop by Petsmart tomorrow after school and see if I can find some locking clips for the tank. I'm turning in an essay tomorrow for my English 1A class, so she just collects the essays then lets us go. Yay, early day!
The tank is draining now, then I'm going to rise it out well, towel dry it, and put everything back in. It will then have at least a day to set and dry out all the way before my snake gets here.
Now I need to think of a name for him!

09-28-14, 08:05 PM
Here is his hopefully permanent enclosure. I was hoping to paint the stand black and buy a 40 gallon Breeder tank, but the dimensions aren't right for my stand. :(


Unfortunately, it has really stubborn hard water stains on it

And I can't get them off. I've soaked it in vinegar for 20+ minutes then scrubbed really hard with a paper towel, and that got off MOST of the hard water stains but not all. I really don't want to use this tank unless I can get the hard water stains off, as his permanent enclosure is something that's going to be in my room, AKA something I'm going to be looking at every day. I might just try to find a tank+stand on Craigslist but that's a lot of money. :( Sigh. I'm not sure what to do. I can't get the hard water stains off and they drive me nuts.

09-28-14, 08:55 PM
Hard water deposits around the top of the plastic trim? The tank looks identical to the old 38 gallon I'm setting up for my incoming pair of yearling boas this week. Some really fine sandpaper (300-400 grit) would do it, or a coarse plastic pot scrubber.
I picked up some clips for the screen top on my 55, took them back because they were too weak on the tension to hold much in the tank. Babies would be fine, but a decent size snake would be able to push right through. I found a new item called Tera Tie Down on Amazon, put 2 on the 55 and ordered 2 more for the 38. Much more secure than the new style screen clips, and the new style locking clips I looked at are just ridiculously overpriced.

09-28-14, 09:03 PM
Hard water deposits around the top of the plastic trim? The tank looks identical to the old 38 gallon I'm setting up for my incoming pair of yearling boas this week. Some really fine sandpaper (300-400 grit) would do it, or a coarse plastic pot scrubber.
I picked up some clips for the screen top on my 55, took them back because they were too weak on the tension to hold much in the tank. Babies would be fine, but a decent size snake would be able to push right through. I found a new item called Tera Tie Down on Amazon, put 2 on the 55 and ordered 2 more for the 38. Much more secure than the new style screen clips, and the new style locking clips I looked at are just ridiculously overpriced.

Tera Tie Down...I'm going to have to remember that. I just looked them up. What a genius idea, and so simple.

Wouldn't sand paper scratch the glass tank?

09-28-14, 10:03 PM
Here it is...his enclosure. All done!

09-28-14, 11:52 PM
Ah, now I make sense of the 2nd pic. Hard water stains on the glass, use a tough plastic pot scrubber pad with water or a single edged razor blade.

EL Ziggy
09-29-14, 08:54 AM
Do you have hides for your enclosure? You'll need at least two. One on the cool side and one on the warm side of the tank.

09-29-14, 11:14 AM
Ah, now I make sense of the 2nd pic. Hard water stains on the glass, use a tough plastic pot scrubber pad with water or a single edged razor blade.

Good idea on the razor blade, I used to do that to get off algae in my tanks. I'll give it a try!

Do you have hides for your enclosure? You'll need at least two. One on the cool side and one on the warm side of the tank.

I do - I have toilet paper tubes on both sides, along with crumpled up newspaper and dense fake plants.

EL Ziggy
09-29-14, 12:51 PM
Toilet paper tubes aren't the most secure hides IMO because they have openings on both ends. The paper towels and plants are more for cover than actual hiding. You can make free hides out of boxes or small plastic containers. I also like these hides from Reptile Basics.
Reptile Hide Boxes from Reptile Basics (http://www.reptilebasics.com/hide-boxes)

09-29-14, 03:27 PM
Okay, I just went and picked up two fake, half-coconut shells with holes cut in the side, that should be better than the toilet paper tubes. I also picked up screen clips.
So I was just on Amazon and found this:
My 35 gallon is 36" x 12.5", this is 36-3/8 x 12-3/4...that should be close enough that it will fit and can have screen clips lock it in place. I'm going to order it, if it doesn't fit I will return it. But I'm pretty sure it will fit.

Now I just need to sand the aquarium rims and stand, and then paint it black.

09-29-14, 09:35 PM
I am so incredibly angry right now. My parents told me that my biological father sent me a letter. I went to get it off their counter and it wasn't there. We have searched everywhere, torn the house apart, looking for it. It's gone. I texted my father and asked him what was in it. You know what he said? $100!
So basically, someone in my parents house stole my envelope that contained a letter and $100. Money that I could have used to finish my snake's permanent 35 gallon enclosure, make it look nice, etc.
It is gone. Nowhere to be found. Most likely one of my siblings stole it. I don't even live in the same house as them, I've done nothing wrong to any of them, and yet they feel the need to steal MY money. I am so angry I could cry. That is a LOT of money to someone like me...a poor college student. I get $40 a month from my parents and that's it.

09-30-14, 11:44 AM
Alright...so, my parents and I figured it was one of my siblings who stole the envelope with money in it. They said to each of my 3 siblings, "If the envelope appears on the counter overnight, that is a good thing. No questions asked."
And guess what? It did!! There was only $80 in there, not the full $100, but my biological father said he will replace the $20 that's missing. Which I didn't ask him to do, so that's nice of him.
I just ordered almost everything I need for my snake's permanent enclosure. Only thing I didn't order is the shredded Aspen Snake Bedding, because it didn't qualify for free 2-day shipping. I'll just go to Petsmart and buy it there tomorrow, it's a dollar cheaper there anyways!

And I think I mentioned earlier that I found a screen top that SHOULD fit my 35 gallon tank. So with that in mind, I started a little project with my younger brother - painting the 35 gallon tank's rims and stand jet black. It looks AMAZING, such a huge difference! These pictures do not do it justice, especially the final picture of the black stand. Today I will go out and take a better picture of it to show you guys.
My brother and I had it finished in just a few hours. I still need to do a second coat on the rims of the tank, but that's all.
BEFORE any work was done on it:

After sanding everything:

My brother helping me paint the rims of the tank:

The finished stand(not a great picture, doesn't do it justice!):

I am SO happy with the end result of this little project. I think mister snakey is going to be very happy with his awesome enclosure. He better be, considering how much work I put into it :)
As I said before, I ordered everything I needed except for the Aspen Snake Bedding, which I will pick up tomorrow after class.
I ordered:
Hydrofarm Digital Thermostat For Heat Mats(a friend was very kind and paid for this for me)
Zoo Med ReptiTherm Under Tank Heater, size Medium
Zilla Fresh Air Screen Cover with Center Hinge, 36-3/8 by 12-3/4-Inch, Black
Fluker's Repta Vines-Pothos(a 6ft fake Pothos vine)
2 of Exo Terra Reptile Cave, Medium

With my remaining $20 I'm going to buy fake plants to decorate his enclosure with, and I'll also find some rocks at the river bank to wash then put in there.
Anyone have suggestions on fake plants to use to decorate his terrarium? I want it to look as natural as possible. This enclosure is going to be a display tank. I'm big on display tanks, this is my 100 gallon aquarium when I first set it up:

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 12:23 PM
Sounds like you're in business Derek. Keep us posted on your progress!

09-30-14, 01:34 PM
"Sounds like you're in business Derek"


09-30-14, 01:41 PM
"Sounds like you're in business Derek"


Lol EZ is multitasking again. :D

09-30-14, 01:42 PM
Lol EZ is multitasking again. :D

Hahah I'm so confused :(

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 01:43 PM
Hahah I'm so confused :(

My bad Adri. I was thinking of the other gent. Best wishes bud.

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 01:45 PM
Lol EZ is multitasking again. :D
Yeah, getting my apples and oranges mixed up. I'm terrible with names ;)

09-30-14, 01:46 PM
My bad Adri. I was thinking of the other gent. Best wishes bud.

Hahaha no worries! And, I am a lady, just so we're clear. Most guys don't call ladies "bud," that's usually more of a guy thing, so I think maybe you've got my gender wrong lol!

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 01:48 PM
Geez, now I'm 0 for 2. Wrong name and gender. My apologies Ms. Adri.

09-30-14, 01:51 PM
Hahaha no worries! And, I am a lady, just so we're clear. Most guys don't call ladies "bud," that's usually more of a guy thing, so I think maybe you've got my gender wrong lol!

Wow, I had that wrong too lol I can't ever tell on these forums haha

09-30-14, 01:52 PM
LOL no worries, it's probably normal for reptile enthusiasts to assume people here are males, as guys seem to be the overwhelming majority of reptile keepers. Correct me if I'm wrong!

09-30-14, 01:57 PM
LOL no worries, it's probably normal for reptile enthusiasts to assume people here are males, as guys seem to be the overwhelming majority of reptile keepers. Correct me if I'm wrong!

Honestly, It seems pretty even to me.

09-30-14, 02:11 PM
Honestly, It seems pretty even to me.

Really? That surprises me. I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover :)

09-30-14, 02:38 PM
Having a snake is something I've dreamed about for a long time, and today it became a reality.
I ordered my snake Saturday, he shipped out yesterday, and today at 12:01 I watched a FedEx truck pull down my street. I let out an admittedly very girl "EEP!" scream, and ran down my driveway, barefoot, to meet the truck.
Here is my "BHB Reptiles Unboxing" video. I'm hoping I embedded this right.

BHB Reptiles Unboxing - High White California King Snake - YouTube (http://youtu.be/7uPGY8xKiOI)

And here's some pictures of him. He was scared and curled up into a little ball in my mom's hand. After that, he decided to go into offensive mode and has tried to bite me probably 5 times. I will consider that a good thing, it means he is feisty and LIVELY. I'm sure he'll calm down more once I can start handling him on a regular basis. He is now in his terrarium, he will be fed tonight(if he wants to eat) then left alone until his next feeding.








Now, he needs a name!

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 02:41 PM
Wow Adri, he's gorgeous!! Great pick up!

09-30-14, 02:51 PM
Wow Adri, he's gorgeous!! Great pick up!

Thank you so much :) :) I'm so in love, he's perfect. I can't wait to move him into his permanent enclosure. He should be moving in there on the 2nd.

09-30-14, 02:51 PM
Does it look like he's in good body condition? Or is he overweight/underweight? I was thinking he looks good but I'm just guessing...

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 02:53 PM
He looks excellent. BHB produces high quality animals. Welcome to the Keepers of Kings Club :). Now to think of a name for that handsome fella.

09-30-14, 03:05 PM
I like the name "King Tucker," but I need to think on it for a while...Whatever his name is, it will probably have the word King in front of it since he's a King Snake. ;) Suggestions are welcome!
I'm glad you think he looks good!! That's a relief :)

09-30-14, 03:31 PM
Sigh...here I am pondering some sort of boa for my third snake, but posts like these end up making me want another king instead. I love the high whites.

09-30-14, 03:35 PM
Sigh...here I am pondering some sort of boa for my third snake, but posts like these end up making me want another king instead. I love the high whites.

They sure are gorgeous. I think I got the last one that BHB had in stock, because when I checked the website on Monday it said they were out of High Whites. Glad I ordered when I did!! :D

09-30-14, 03:36 PM
Okay, question time...what should I use to fill up the empty space in his permanent 35 gallon terrarium? I have a small branch that I will sand down, and wrap a fake vine around it...but that won't take up too much space. I need more stuff. Already planning on putting in a few rocks...but need fake, realistic-looking plants. Any ideas on where I can find them? Cheaper is better but I do want them to look realistic so I can't be TOO cheap :p
Like I said before this will be a DISPLAY tank so I want it to look nice!!

09-30-14, 04:02 PM
Really? That surprises me. I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover :)

At first, it can seem like a male dominated hobby. I don't think that is the case, though.

09-30-14, 04:04 PM
Having a snake is something I've dreamed about for a long time, and today it became a reality.
I ordered my snake Saturday, he shipped out yesterday, and today at 12:01 I watched a FedEx truck pull down my street. I let out an admittedly very girl "EEP!" scream, and ran down my driveway, barefoot, to meet the truck.
Here is my "BHB Reptiles Unboxing" video. I'm hoping I embedded this right.

BHB Reptiles Unboxing - High White California King Snake - YouTube (http://youtu.be/7uPGY8xKiOI)

And here's some pictures of him. He was scared and curled up into a little ball in my mom's hand. After that, he decided to go into offensive mode and has tried to bite me probably 5 times. I will consider that a good thing, it means he is feisty and LIVELY. I'm sure he'll calm down more once I can start handling him on a regular basis. He is now in his terrarium, he will be fed tonight(if he wants to eat) then left alone until his next feeding.








Now, he needs a name!

Really Nice, awesome pics! I agree with E-Z, BHB does produce some high quality animals. I bought my garter off of them and I just love her to death!

09-30-14, 04:12 PM
You have quite the handsome little guy. If you're looking for ways to fill the cage, your options are basically limitless. I like to add lots of branches, because to creates a lot of useable space for the snake. Personally, I don't bother doing anything to them. I just cut and place in the cage. If you prefer, or if the tree bleeds, you can let them dry.

A hide can be basically whatever you want. If you're using traditional substrate, like aspen, you can use also anything for a hide. Paper towel rolls and small boxes are really excellent hides, though. You can get fake plants from Walmart, the dollar store or almost any craft store.

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 04:25 PM
Now that you've got your beautiful new king snake you should post pics in the KotF thread to make it official.


09-30-14, 04:44 PM
How do I know if a branch is safe to use or not? I had a branch that was in an aquarium for a LONG time. I just sanded it down so that it's not too rough...but is it safe? Because it was in an aquarium...it's been dry for at least a month though
Are there any kinds of tree branches that I should not use? Is Oak safe?
EZ I will do that when I get back on my computer! :)

09-30-14, 06:19 PM
Beautiful King snake! Congrats!

09-30-14, 06:20 PM
How do I know if a branch is safe to use or not? I had a branch that was in an aquarium for a LONG time. I just sanded it down so that it's not too rough...but is it safe? Because it was in an aquarium...it's been dry for at least a month though
Are there any kinds of tree branches that I should not use? Is Oak safe?
EZ I will do that when I get back on my computer! :)

The branch should be fine! ;)

09-30-14, 06:35 PM
Beautiful King snake! Congrats!

Thank you!

09-30-14, 06:36 PM
The branch should be fine! ;)

Perfect, then. :) I can't wait for everything to get here so that I can move him to his permanent home. It should be here on the 2nd.

09-30-14, 06:51 PM
Does this pinkie mouse look too big for him? I tried wiggling it in front of his face and he didn't go for it, so I left him alone in a kritter keeper with it for 10+ minutes and he didn't go for it. I assume he's too stressed to eat.
But is it the right size? It looks so big...
Don't mind the bad pictures, just snapshots I didn't even bother editing.

09-30-14, 07:00 PM
That is fine. you might even get away with adding a second pinky or even a larger size prey item. Don't worry about the snake not being able to eat it so much, they can really stretch. I also would not expect him to eat right away, I would give him a few days to settle in.

09-30-14, 07:01 PM
That is fine. you might even get away with adding a second pinky or even a larger size prey item. Don't worry about the snake not being able to eat it so much, they can really stretch. I also would not expect him to eat right away, I would give him a few days to settle in.

Okay, I'll try again in a 2-3 days. Some people on here said they have fed the first night, others said they have waited a few days. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try on the first day but I guess he's not ready. :)

09-30-14, 07:07 PM
Every snake is different:p

09-30-14, 07:09 PM
Every snake is different:p

I second that DC! :D

09-30-14, 07:13 PM
Every snake is different:p

Very true!! I'll try again in 2-3 days and hopefully he'll eat then. Although maybe not as that's when he's going to be moved into his permanent enclosure so he may not want to eat after another move.

09-30-14, 07:15 PM
Very true!! I'll try again in 2-3 days and hopefully he'll eat then. Although maybe not as that's when he's going to be moved into his permanent enclosure so he may not want to eat after another move.

Who knows, maybe he will. He also could have been fed before he was shipped.

09-30-14, 07:51 PM
Who knows, maybe he will. He also could have been fed before he was shipped.

Very true, but you'd think such a big breeder/shipper would have feeding days on like a Thursday or something, the first day before the weekend that they don't ship...if that makes sense.

09-30-14, 08:09 PM
The 35 gallon is done! Sanded with rough sandpaper on a sander, then a finer sandpaper. Hard water stains FINALLY all come off, with the help of a handheld single-edge razor blade. Painted, two coats. Tank rims are painted black, two coats, also. Tank is moved into my room. This tank is older than I am, it is 20+ years old.
It went from this:


EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 08:43 PM
That high white is really impressive! Makes me want another king. Good job on the tank and stand. You obviously care about your new friend and I believe you'll give him a really good home too :). Kings are pretty aggressive feeders so no worries about his refusal today. If you're moving him into another enclosure I'd wait about 5 days before offering food again. He looks pretty hearty and probably won't be on pinkys very long.

09-30-14, 08:50 PM
That high white is really impressive! Makes me want another king. Good job on the tank and stand. You obviously care about your new friend and I believe you'll give him a really good home too :). Kings are pretty aggressive feeders so no worries about his refusal today. If you're moving him into another enclosure I'd wait about 5 days before offering food again. He looks pretty hearty and probably won't be on pinkys very long.

That's one thing that I liked about Kings when I was reading about them, is that they are good eaters. The last thing I wanted to deal with as a newbie to snakes is a snake that doesn't want to eat...so I made sure to get a species that likes to eat! I'll try offering him food again on Saturday, then, that sounds about right. That gives him a few days to settle into the permanent enclosure, too.
I do love him already :) Heck, I loved him before I even met him.
He has a sort of blue-ish/green-ish hue to his body, is that normal for white snakes?

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 09:06 PM
That's one thing that I liked about Kings when I was reading about them, is that they are good eaters. The last thing I wanted to deal with as a newbie to snakes is a snake that doesn't want to eat...so I made sure to get a species that likes to eat! I'll try offering him food again on Saturday, then, that sounds about right. That gives him a few days to settle into the permanent enclosure, too.
I do love him already :) Heck, I loved him before I even met him.
He has a sort of blue-ish/green-ish hue to his body, is that normal for white snakes?
It's possible he's getting ready for a shed if he's got a blueish hue. Watch him over the next few days and see if his eyes get cloudy and his scales get dull. To me its sometimes it's harder to tell when white or lighter snakes are prepping to shed. Some snakes won't eat during this time.

09-30-14, 09:08 PM
I'm wondering...What temperature should I set my heat mat to for the big tank? It's going to have Aspen Snake Bedding so he can burrow, BUT...I don't know what I should set the heat for BECAUSE he's going to burrow. The hot spot should be 85-90 degrees, right? So should I set it for 85-90 underneath the shavings, or let it heat through the shavings and have it at 85-90 on top of the shavings?
So confused!

09-30-14, 09:10 PM
It's possible he's getting ready for a shed if he's got a blueish hue. Watch him over the next few days and see if his eyes get cloudy and his scales get dull. To me its sometimes it's harder to tell when white or lighter snakes are prepping to shed. Some snakes won't eat during this time.

Interesting, I did not know that. I knew the eyes get cloudy when they're about to shed, but that's all.
This may sound like a stupid question, but snakes don't eat their sheds, right? I know quite a few animals do but if I remember right, snakes are NOT one of them?

EL Ziggy
09-30-14, 09:45 PM
I've never heard of a snake eating it's shed but that doesn't mean it never happens. I place my thermostat probe under the substrate inside the warm hide that sits on top of the uth. I usually have to set my thermostat to 90-96 to get my temps to interior temps to 86-90. You have to monitor the temps closely because the snakes will sometimes move the probe.

09-30-14, 10:47 PM
I would be very concerned about the snake knocking the probe out of place, because that could cause the temp to plunge or skyrocket, which would be very bad since the temperature in my house is always fluctuating. He needs a consistent warm side...If I am remembering right, someone on here suggested that I put the probe on the sticky side of the heat pad(between the bottom of the tank and the heat pad) and that will give a consistent temp. The snake can't knock it out of place...and you can make sure it's at the high end of the safe range but never above. That would ensure that the top of the aspen shavings are as warm as they can be without the snake being burned if he burrows on the warm side. What do you think?

10-01-14, 12:18 AM
Check Wal-Mart's pet department for aspen shavings. I looked at an lfs, they wanted $5 for a small lossely packed bag, W-M had a tightly packed bag 4-5x that size for less than $4.
Kings like to burrow, so check the temp on the glass rather than on top of the bedding.

10-01-14, 12:54 AM
Check Wal-Mart's pet department for aspen shavings. I looked at an lfs, they wanted $5 for a small lossely packed bag, W-M had a tightly packed bag 4-5x that size for less than $4.
Kings like to burrow, so check the temp on the glass rather than on top of the bedding.

Would the method I mentioned in my last post work well for measuring the the glass temp?

And I found this on Walmart's website
Kaytee Products Wild Bird Aspen Bedding and Litter: Small Animals : Walmart.com (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Kaytee-Products-Wild-Bird-Aspen-Bedding-and-Litter/23213162)
Is this pretty much the same thing as Aspen Snake Bedding that I see at Petsmart(click here) (http://www.petsmart.com/reptile/substrate-bedding/zoo-med-trade-aspen-snake-bedding-zid36-14984/cat-36-catid-500013?var_id=36-14984&_t=pfm%3Dsearch)? I want to make sure I'm getting the right stuff.

10-01-14, 04:48 AM
I bought some aspen from wal mart once, it was really dusty. I get a huge planet petco bag(2 cu. ft expands to 4 cu. ft). It only cost me 12$ you also might want to look into sani chips, I'm sure Steve will recommend it:)

10-01-14, 11:27 AM
So the "Planet Petco Aspen Wood Bedding for Small Animals" is safe for snakes, and isn't too dusty? It's found in the rodent/small animal section, not the reptile section.
And I see the Planet Petco stuff has a thicker cut compared to the shredded-looking Aspen Snake Bedding stuff. Will the thicker cut bother the snake?

10-01-14, 11:44 AM
So the "Planet Petco Aspen Wood Bedding for Small Animals" is safe for snakes, and isn't too dusty? It's found in the rodent/small animal section, not the reptile section.
And I see the Planet Petco stuff has a thicker cut compared to the shredded-looking Aspen Snake Bedding stuff. Will the thicker cut bother the snake?

Yeah the Petco aspen is OK. Like DC said I use sani chips from pet360. Almost dust free.

10-01-14, 12:15 PM
Okay, awesome. I'll have to look into those but for now I'll use the Planet Petco Aspen for rodents/small animals. The only reason I was worried is because it isn't listed as being safe for snakes. But I trust you guys. :)

10-01-14, 12:19 PM
Okay, awesome. I'll have to look into those but for now I'll use the Planet Petco Aspen for rodents/small animals. The only reason I was worried is because it isn't listed as being safe for snakes. But I trust you guys. :)

I've used it for some time now, my dad uses it too. No problems. I would prefer it over the walmart brand any day

10-01-14, 12:23 PM
I've used it for some time now, my dad uses it too. No problems. I would prefer it over the walmart brand any day

Yeah the Walmart stuff is super dusty. Someone gave me a bag and and i can't give it away. Lol

10-01-14, 12:26 PM
I use that planet petco aspen and it seems pretty good. It's not super dusty and I like the size of the shavings. I've never used the sani chips(because their alternatives that I don't have to pay shipping) but a lot of people recommend it.

10-01-14, 12:48 PM
Thanks everyone! After my English class today I'm going to stop by Petco and pick up some aspen shavings.
I'm curious, once my little King Tucker is an adult, what will it cost me each month to feed him? Is ordering online in bulk cheaper than buying from say, Petsmart?

10-01-14, 01:18 PM
I'm late to the party, but congrats! You seem excited. :D Some of the first snakes I ever kept were Black Kingsnakes that I caught as a kid. So kings have a special place in my heart. That cali is a beauty. And, the Tokina 100mm is a great lens.

Oh, and for anyone looking into sani chips, I bought a 2.2 cu ft bag from pet360 recently that was less than $20 shipped. Shipping wasn't exactly speedy though. And, I'm not sure if the sale is still going on.

EL Ziggy
10-01-14, 01:20 PM
Thanks everyone! After my English class today I'm going to stop by Petco and pick up some aspen shavings.
I'm curious, once my little King Tucker is an adult, what will it cost me each month to feed him? Is ordering online in bulk cheaper than buying from say, Petsmart?
If you can get quality feeders at a reptile show or expo that's probably the least expensive way to buy them since you save on the shipping costs. I usually order my feeders in bulk online. I order from Big Cheese. Even with the current $29 flat rate shipping cost it's much cheaper than buying from Petsmart. As far as the monthly cost of feeding one snake, it's not much at all. If you feed 1-2 prey items every 7 days for a small snake it's probably $5 if that.

10-01-14, 01:22 PM
what will it cost me each month to feed him? Is ordering online in bulk cheaper than buying from say, Petsmart?

It will cost you 3-4 times however much you pay for a large mouse.

I'd try to find a local store or breeder and avoid petco unless that's all you can find. They're usually cheaper and you'll be giving money to a better business (most of the time). Ordering online isn't worth it unless you're buying very large quantities.

EL Ziggy
10-01-14, 01:32 PM
I think buying in bulk is the way to go. For example, if you bought (50) mice fuzzys from Big Cheese it would cost you $50. To buy those same (50) fuzzys at Petsmart you'd have to purchase (8) boxes of (6) @ $13 per box which is $104. That's a considerable saving IMO.

10-01-14, 01:35 PM
I think buying in bulk is the way to go. For example, if you bought (50) mice fuzzys from Big Cheese it would cost you $50. To buy those same (50) fuzzys at Petsmart you'd have to purchase (8) boxes of (6) @ $13 per box which is $104. That's a considerable saving IMO.

If petco is your only option, then yes, probably. But, I can buy 50 fuzzies locally for something like $30-40.

10-01-14, 01:42 PM
Thanks!! I live in a very small town of 10,000 people so I don't think there's 1. any reptile shows/events, or 2. local mice breeders. It seems buying online is my only option. But I can get 50 fuzzies for $50 including shipping from Big Cheese?

EL Ziggy
10-01-14, 01:45 PM
If petco is your only option, then yes, probably. But, I can buy 50 fuzzies locally for something like $30-40.
No doubt. Buying from a local supplier or expo is the best route if you have that option. I haven't found a trusted supplier in my area so I have to order online.

EL Ziggy
10-01-14, 01:49 PM
Thanks!! I live in a very small town of 10,000 people so I don't think there's 1. any reptile shows/events, or 2. local mice breeders. It seems buying online is my only option. But I can get 50 fuzzies for $50 including shipping from Big Cheese?
The fuzzys are $20 and the shipping is $29.

10-01-14, 01:55 PM
The fuzzys are $20 and the shipping is $29.

Seems like a good deal to me! How many fuzzies will my snake most likely eat before he upgrades to the next size?

EL Ziggy
10-01-14, 01:59 PM
They all grow at different rates. On average my younger snakes would move up prey sizes about every 2 months.

10-01-14, 02:02 PM
They all grow at different rates. On average my younger snakes would move up prey sizes about every 2 months.

Okay, so he would most likely only eat 10 or so of the 50 fuzziest?

10-01-14, 02:02 PM
They all grow at different rates. On average my younger snakes would move up prey sizes about every 2 months.

I agree. And as they get older, they start to slow down.

10-01-14, 02:08 PM
It seems a bit wasteful to buy 50 fuzzies if he's only going to eat a small portion of them, however I guess I could just sell the extras...I found a breeder in Sacramento, but how do I know if it's a good breeder or not? My mom goes to Sac every week so she could pick them up for me.
Frozen or Live Feeder Mice (http://sacramento.craigslist.org/for/4692776183.html)

EL Ziggy
10-01-14, 02:59 PM
You wouldn't waste the remaining fuzzies. You'd still feed him the rest of those but you might have to feed him 2-3 at a time as he gets larger. For example my bull snake is ready for small rats now but since I have (30) rat weanlings to finish off she still gets 2-3 rat weaners until those are gone. Then I'll move her up to smalls. I generally feed my snakes 10-15% of their body weight per feeding. If you found a local source you can probably buy in smaller quantities and avoid having so many undersized feeders left over when you do increase your prey size.

10-01-14, 03:27 PM
I currently buy from the local PetSmart, since I've been wrangling over the same questions you have. One of the problems with the Arctic Mice is you can get boxes of feeders that are "pinkies" or "fuzzies" but whoa, an entire box is small fuzzies or hey, all of these are HUGE, etc.

I have a box of "fuzzies" that are barely over pinkie size I'm working with right now. Pffffft.

I think that by the time I work through these mice (I had a coupon so...many boxes were had) I'll suck it up and order online. I haven't had any problem feeding my king multiple smaller prey items yet when I had to, so with luck you won't have that issues, either.

10-01-14, 05:20 PM
Ahh I didn't think of that! Good idea. I think after this box of Artic Mice pinkies are done, I think I'll buy one more(or maybe not, I'll have to have your guys' help judging if he's ready to move up to fuzzies by then) and then move up to fuzzies. He should DEFINITELY be ready after 2 boxes, if not after this one. Then I will order online or from a breeder.
I am wondering, how do I tell if a "local" breeder is good or not? I put local in quotes because the breeder I'm looking at is 3 hours away, but it's where my mom stays for work 3 days out of the week. I could have her pick some up for me.
Here's the breeder I'm looking at:
Frozen or Live Feeder Mice (http://sacramento.craigslist.org/for/4692776183.html)
Aquarium Depot is a nice fish store if I remember right, it seemed their fish were well taken care of...BUT when I was frequently going there it was when I was new to fishkeeping, so I could be mistaken. I assume Reptile Depot is run by the same people since it's inside Aquarium Depot. How do I know if they have quality feeder mice? I won't risk my snake's health or well-being just to save a few bucks. He needs good mice. :)

10-01-14, 06:50 PM
Here we go...My journey in preparing King Tucker's bachelor pad. Keep in mind this 35 gallon tank/stand is over 20 years old!

BEFORE, when it was beat up and ugly:

After being sanded:

AFTER being painted, BEFORE having anything put in it:

I tried to see if I could get the Aspen shavings to fit in the stand of my 35 gallon. I failed. All I did was make a mess! I have to find a better place for them. Probably the garage.

Hardscape...an aquarium term used for planning out where all the stuff(generally non-living things) is going to go. Not sure if that term is used in reptile keeping or not.

The view from my bed:

And...wait for it...how it looks now!

It will have more fake plants added after King Tucker moves out of the 15 gallon(he has a few fake plants in there that I will move to this tank), and 2 medium sized reptile hides will be added when they arrive tomorrow. He will move into his bachelor pad tomorrow after everything else I need arrives: the tank's screen cover, the UT heating pad, a 6ft fake vine that will be wrapped around the branches...and the Hydrofarm Digital Thermostat for Heat Mats should be here today.
I think I have done absolutely everything I can to make sure he not only survives, but has a good life. Of course, if anything is off or missing please tell me! After the death of my crested gecko, I am so paranoid that King Tucker will not survive for whatever reason. I am probably just being paranoid...but still. I want my snake to have everything he needs, and I want him to be happy. I am beyond smitten over him. He is so perfect!

EDIT: I know, there is a strip on the bottom of the tank rim that needs to be touched up. Yes, it is bugging me just as much as it is probably bugging you ;)

10-01-14, 07:26 PM
My brother just came and knocked on my door with two packages from Amazon in his hand. I was surprised there were two, considering I only ordered some of the stuff yesterday. But, I guess Prime shipping really is amazing!! I'm on the free trial and I love it.
Getting stuff in the mail is like Christmas every time :)
My Hydrofarm Digital Thermostat for Heat Mats is here, along with my two reptile hides and my fake 6ft Pothos vine. Wasn't expecting them until tomorrow, but I'm not complaining! I'm very happy with the hides and vine, they look great and don't look overly fake. The hides are nice and flat-ish, which I'm sure he'll love as it'll provide nice cover for him. He prefers hiding under leaves as opposed to in the fake half coconut shells in his 15 gallon so I think he'll really like the two hides. You can see one on the right side, the soon-to-be warm side. The other is hidden behind plants on the front left side.

10-01-14, 08:32 PM
Wow, looks nice! Sweet set up:)

EL Ziggy
10-01-14, 10:09 PM
Lookin good! Definitely fit for a king snake :). He should be very content there. Great job putting it all together.

10-02-14, 03:02 AM
Looking good :D

10-02-14, 11:19 AM
Thank you everyone!

Question...I got my Hydrofarm Digital Thermostat for Heat Mats today...putting the probe between the glass and the heat pad is safe yo do, right? This was it is reading the temperature of the heat pad and there is no risk of the snake bumping it out of place.

10-02-14, 11:21 AM
Thank you everyone!

Question...I got my Hydrofarm Digital Thermostat for Heat Mats today...putting the probe between the glass and the heat pad is safe yo do, right? This was it is reading the temperature of the heat pad and there is no risk of the snake bumping it out of place.

Yep, perfectly fine:p

10-02-14, 01:24 PM
Great! I will post pictures of King Tucker in his enclosure once I get him in there

10-06-14, 02:52 PM
Okay, I tried to feed King Tucker again last night and left him in the feeding enclosure for at least an hour. When I came back the pinky mouse was still there. He's not eating! What do I do?

EL Ziggy
10-06-14, 03:18 PM
Okay, I tried to feed King Tucker again last night and left him in the feeding enclosure for at least an hour. When I came back the pinky mouse was still there. He's not eating! What do I do?
Adri- What are your temps like now? Some snakes can be shy eaters in the beginning. I'd try placing the snake in a covered deli cup, or small container, with the pinky and leaving them overnight. Also are your pinkys completely thawed and very warm when you offer them to your snake? Keep offering food every 5-7 days until he eats and eventually he will eat. Best wishes and keep us posted.

10-06-14, 04:05 PM
Really nice job! If you want to really deck out the enclosure(especially the upper half), you can make use of magnetic ledges so your king can utilize some climbing space.

Here are some that would go well with that tank if you are interested:

Amazon.com : Magnaturals Large Extra Strength Rock Ledge Earth - Magnetic Decor : Pet Habitat Decor Terraces : Pet Supplies (http://www.amazon.com/Magnaturals-Large-Extra-Strength-Ledge/dp/B00481LU92/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412633066&sr=8-1&keywords=magnetic+ledge+large)


10-11-14, 09:21 PM
SUCCESS!! I just tried feeding him again, went to check on him about half an hour after putting him and the pinky mouse in a kriter keeper...checked on him in time to see him halfway through devouring a pinky mouse :D He was VERY mad at me for checking on him while he ate, he started "rattling" his little tail hehe

10-11-14, 10:36 PM
Just weighed him(after his meal) and he weighed 14 grams. I then weighed the 4 pinky mice(in their lightweight plastic wrappings) and they weighed in at 10 grams divided by 4 mice is 2.5 grams each. So let's say he weighs in at 11.5 grams before being fed.
Is a pinky mouse too much food? Not enough?
I have read people feed their snakes 10%-15% of their body weight, but is this only for adult snakes?
If I feed 15% of his weight he'd be getting 1.7 grams a day. I'm not sure how much young snakes need to be fed. Any advice?

EL Ziggy
10-11-14, 10:39 PM
Great news Adri. I'm really glad he ate for you.

EL Ziggy
10-11-14, 10:44 PM
Adri- it's best to weigh them after they've "expelled "their last meal. I usually weigh my snakes the day before I feed them. You don't want to handle him for 48 hours after he's eaten. I wouldn't worry about feeding a little more than 15% to a young snake. He can easily handle a pinky every 5-7 days. He'll be taking them 2 at a time in a few weeks. And the 10-15% of body weight should be fed to your snake each feeding, not per day.

10-11-14, 10:55 PM
LOL I didn't mean per day, I meant per week. Typing while thinking about other things hahah!! Thanks :)

10-12-14, 12:04 AM
Are quail a good source of food for snakes? If I could get my snake eating quail instead of hoppers(when he's big enough) it would be super cheap for me as I have a poultry incubator :) For $15+ shipping I could get an automatic turner, and I'm sure I could find quail eggs cheap somewhere.

10-12-14, 02:11 AM
Never really used quail as a main food source, i have heard of people doing so without issues though.

10-12-14, 11:52 PM
Not much difference between quail and rodents as far as nutritional content goes. They're a good option for some species, particularly arboreal or semi-arboreal snakes that would prey on baby birds in the wild. Some picky eaters take them more easily than rodents, certainly much less expensive than anoles. Rodent Pro has everything from frozen day-old chicks through adult birds available. Not sure where you might find a steady supply of eggs though, unless you farmed them yourself.