View Full Version : poison arrow frogs

02-14-03, 09:34 PM
okay...weird question, but i am looking for a breeder of poison arrow frogs that is close to me...either located in Michigan somewhere or St. Louis area. any ideas? i know the risks involved and am prepared to take it on...i just need to know where to find one...also i am looking for a juvenile, not a tadpole...at a fairly cheap price...cheapest i've found so far is $50. thanks for any help you can give me!

02-15-03, 01:04 AM
Might want to try posting on the amphibian forum...

Dan Conner

02-16-03, 08:20 PM
lol There's an idea...
I thought I wander into amphibs for a second.
In regards to "risks" associated w/ CB poison darts (dendrobates sp), there really aren't any... Freshly imported specimens are the ones you have watch out for in regards to toxins.