View Full Version : Two full bulls

EL Ziggy
09-23-14, 09:35 PM
These two bottomless pits just ate a couple of days ago so I thought I'd snap some quick pics.
http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_6986_zps14a24aa7.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_6986_zps14a24aa7.jpg.html)http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_6989_zpse4d6a16d.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_6989_zpse4d6a16d.jpg.html)http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_7002_zps61605792.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_7002_zps61605792.jpg.html)http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_7004_zps5c544e5d.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_7004_zps5c544e5d.jpg.html)

09-23-14, 09:37 PM
They look gorgeous!

09-24-14, 04:47 AM
Gorgeous E-Z! Keep posting pics and I might add one to my list on things to get:)

09-24-14, 05:46 AM
Bulls are starting to grow on me..and this isn't helping...lol

Jim Smith
09-24-14, 06:29 AM
I agree with kwhitlock, these photos are making me more and more interested in Bullsnakes. These are beautiful animals. They look very attentive as if they're watching your every move. Are you planning to breed these beauties when they're ready?

09-24-14, 07:28 AM
Man, I've been trying to resist getting back into bulls, but these pics have pushed me over the edge. Resistance is evidently futile. Thanks for providing me some clarity of mind.

09-24-14, 08:11 AM
Beautiful pits EZ! Keep up the good work!

EL Ziggy
09-24-14, 08:23 AM
Thanks guys. They really are awesome colubrids. I'd highly recommend them. I think pits are often overlooked in our hobby. They both had quite a bit of attitude when I first got them. They would hiss and strike and act all tough. Now they're both puppy dog tame but they still eat like pigs. They're a bit larger than my kings. The albino just turned one and she's already over 840g. My kings are 18 months and 2 yrs and they're 420g and 500g each. The snow was born on 7/11/14 and came to me at 42g on 8/14. He's up to 88g as of 9/20 so he's doubled his weight in a month. They're super easy to care for too. I know some people don't use a heat source except during winter but I provide mine with a hot spot of 84-86 all year.
@ Jim- I don't plan to breed any of my snakes but they do make an attractive couple as do my Cal King and MBK. I'll let them date but no hanky panky :)

09-24-14, 09:38 AM
Good lookin' snakes, E-Z. We need to get together and see each others collections soon.

EL Ziggy
09-24-14, 09:54 AM
Good lookin' snakes, E-Z. We need to get together and see each others collections soon.

Copy that Big T. Let's do lunch too brother :). Anytime!

09-24-14, 11:19 AM
Very nice bulls. Always been a fan of them ever since finding them around my house when I was little.

09-24-14, 11:21 AM
nice looking bulls :D

09-24-14, 12:57 PM
Man I keep coming back to look at these. Looking to get a snake or two next month and after your display a bull may be a contender...

EL Ziggy
09-24-14, 02:14 PM
Man I keep coming back to look at these. Looking to get a snake or two next month and after your display a bull may be a contender...
I think a bull would be a great addition revent. I love both of mine. Check out the Envy Reptiles FB page and see what my buddy Jason Nelson has to offer. He produces some of the finest pituophis in the country. His bulls and gophers are absolutely stunning. Both of my bulls are Envy stock. Jason's a real first class act too.

Little Wise Owl
09-29-14, 11:20 AM
Gorgeous Bulls. The more I see them the more I'm thinking I want one. lol