View Full Version : Indo. Blue Tongue Skink

Little Wise Owl
09-16-14, 07:27 PM
This guy/girl has been sitting in my local Reptile Shop for months now and I jokingly asked if they'd sell me it on discount. They offered me a deal I could not pass up so... Yeah. Put a payment down to hold it for me while I set up at home.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10599617_10154565778150134_7875003222545699306_n.j pg?oh=4149b053e56a6b18d56afd59bd2b8bc7&oe=549C2F1A&__gda__=1422780428_3d979a955373a52474c0dfe8d34c388 7
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09-16-14, 08:50 PM
Very cool lizard! Congrats!

EL Ziggy
09-16-14, 11:10 PM
Nice pick up Owl. Very handsome critter.

09-17-14, 05:24 AM
blue tongue's are really cool :D

Zoo Nanny
09-17-14, 09:40 AM
Beautiful skink, congratulations!

Little Wise Owl
09-17-14, 04:59 PM
Thanks, I can't wait to bring him/her home.

Little Wise Owl
09-20-14, 03:18 PM
Here s/he is!

I named it Podoboo (Boo for short)

He's a grumpy little butthead but that's okay. All bark and no bite. Just a lot of huffing and hissing.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1972384_10154581615105134_8872733031883170683_n.jp g?oh=08f507eea9997eb63b89d2834ec64f31&oe=54CE52D1&__gda__=1422108603_12464bfb9a3a139fe821bee937074b5 3
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Ignore the red light. My basking light busted when I set this all up. ds,fjnsdkjfnlksdjfn

Zoo Nanny
09-22-14, 10:55 AM
I like the name! Careful of the hissing and biting when he's getting ready to shed. The only time I was ever bitten by my guy was just as he was getting ready. They can pack a whallop of a bite. You may want to get a much larger water bowl. They love to soak. I just used a large ceramic dog dish, worked great. Best of luck with him, he's gorgeous.

EL Ziggy
09-22-14, 07:13 PM
Beautiful animal..another reason why I love reptiles :)

Little Wise Owl
09-23-14, 06:50 PM
I like the name! Careful of the hissing and biting when he's getting ready to shed. The only time I was ever bitten by my guy was just as he was getting ready. They can pack a whallop of a bite. You may want to get a much larger water bowl. They love to soak. I just used a large ceramic dog dish, worked great. Best of luck with him, he's gorgeous.

So far he's been hiding. Haven't seen him in days now. Kind of makes me nervous because my last BTS hid (it was a baby) constantly and then randomly died. So I get nervous now with new lizards. lol I know it's normal but it stresses me to no end.

I will get him a bigger water dish. I also feel I need to deepen the substrate as well as add a basking rock.

09-23-14, 07:04 PM
I just went to a local pet ship today and they had a juvenile BTS up for sale, 70$ . I had enough to buy it and walk out, my mom would kill me though lol. I wanted to get it sooooo bad

Little Wise Owl
09-23-14, 07:14 PM
For that price, it was probably a wild caught (like mine). You'd be better off spending a bit more and getting a nice, CB Northern.

09-23-14, 07:37 PM
For that price, it was probably a wild caught (like mine). You'd be better off spending a bit more and getting a nice, CB Northern.

Next time I see it, I will ask. Hopefully not. I've been looking at them for a while now but I can wait:)

Zoo Nanny
09-24-14, 09:37 AM
Mine used to burrow and stay buried for days on end. Sometimes he would even stay under for a week to 10 days.
If they have come down that far in price maybe I'll get another one. I spent three times that and he was wild caught but it was a good number of years back.

Little Wise Owl
09-24-14, 02:47 PM
Still hasn't surfaced today. Bummeeerrrrrr.

Little Wise Owl
09-26-14, 05:15 PM
Finally got around to changing the light. Now I have the cutest pet enclosure. I think there might be a skink in there some where.

https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1425502_10154602859720134_7082452236905046680_n.jp g?oh=8c5402fc864154909b6ddb006178c8d6&oe=54CA8761

Little Wise Owl
09-28-14, 06:58 PM
Sneaking out for a few bites to eat. So glad she eats regularly so far.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10687025_10154603175865134_4902761094265288478_n.j pg?oh=325059645ce0934488281e90f88f00b8&oe=54BC800A&__gda__=1418349919_c6b72915639144337031737b2d034bf e
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10-06-14, 09:54 AM
So cute! I have a blue tongued skink that has been with me for almost 15 years now. He will stay hidden forever as well. But he's been happy, healthy and eating for the entire 15 years so don't worry too much.

10-21-14, 12:45 AM
NICE T. Gigas! I have a silver phase Tanimbar BTS 6-years-old. He ate three frozen thawed fuzzy mice today. Your skink is eating what in that feeding dish?