View Full Version : A big meal!

02-14-03, 06:21 PM
Hope you guys like this:



02-14-03, 07:07 PM
Is that a gaboon?

02-14-03, 07:26 PM
ya id say it is, on my guess.

Gregg M
02-14-03, 08:59 PM
That would be a west African gaboon....... And a very fine example at that......

Gregg M
02-14-03, 09:01 PM
Oh and you should get it off those pine shavings as soon as you can....... Not a good substrate for any reptile.....

02-14-03, 09:28 PM
especially during feeding, hopefully he didn't ingest any.

02-15-03, 06:33 PM
Wow, you've got a very nice snake. Wicked wicked colour. How much do they go for (in Canadian funds)?


02-15-03, 06:43 PM
Is it actually legal to sell those, or even own one?

02-16-03, 09:09 AM
in some areas it is, but some it isnt, you haveta check the by-laws!

02-16-03, 09:21 AM
Matt: So is it one of those things were you check you local by-laws and if it dosen't say you can't do it, then you can? What about federal laws are there any federal laws governing the owning and selling of hots?

02-16-03, 12:26 PM
i believe it is all governed on a municipal level. You just have to go checl municipal by laws and they will say which species (or groups of species) and banned by-law. If they arent mentioned in there, then that gives you the green light and you can get whetever hot you want.....some places ban some hots and not others, some ban all, some ban none!

hope that helped...are you thinking about getting into hots?

Gregg M
02-16-03, 01:00 PM
Dont you guys have a permitting system in Canada???? My state as a rule does not allow venomous unless permits are issued....... I had a hrd time getting my permits....... Had to speek to game commitioner and then fill out some paper wprk...... You need to have a good reason to keep hots in my state...... And some states do noy requir permits....... I think All states should have laws passed to allow the keeping of venomous snakes under permits only....... It will keep the number of inexperianced keepers to a minimum....... Not every one is skilled enough to keep these animals......

02-16-03, 05:11 PM
I agree with Matt, the federal and municipal government are very confusing; check the by-laws you will know what you can or cannot keep. I believe importing hot snakes to Canada is legal but keeping one is another story (correct me if I am wrong). It is too bad Canada does not have a permitting system.

For Paolo this western cost about $250US, probably around $400CAD

Thanks for all your comments!


02-16-03, 05:15 PM
most of them arent illegal, and sadly, i have seen vipers and such sell for 100-150, which shouldnt, because a 10yr could purchase one if he had the money not knowing what it is, i think hots should be harder to get than they are.

02-16-03, 06:05 PM
In Canada the provincial regulations establish what species of exotics can be privately owned and then city and municipal bylaws operate within those. There is a lot of variation among provinces - in Saskatchewan you need a zoo permit (expensive and hard to get) to own any of the boids (including things like rosy boas!), in Alberta the large pythons, boids and all venomous require permits (which are virtually never granted to individuals), but some provinces are almost unrestricted. The inconsistency is unfortunate, as is the possibility for irresponsible people to own potentially dangerous species and jeopordize the hobby.

mary v.

02-16-03, 06:28 PM
Matt: Thanks for the info, kinda what I thought. And no, no hots for me I get taged by my brazilians way too much to go near a hot.
I to think we should have a consitent system across the contry and a permit system for hots, maybe even giants. Since we dont have enough people in Canada keeping herps there hasn't been enough demand for it yet. Like all things in this counrty our demographics, population distrabution and low population in general are our week spot.
My two cents,

02-16-03, 08:56 PM
it is too bad there is no permit system, but if you want my opinion, i honestly think it isnt too far off...we may have a permit system soon...i hope anyways!