View Full Version : Hello! I'm just here to learn!

Kim Sylva
09-05-14, 03:20 PM
I'm a 13 year old that might be able to get a snake when I'm 15 or so. I'm waiting out so long because I know that I'll need to save up a few thousand, for vet costs and overall upkeep of the snake. I JUST here to really read up on things and look at cute snake pics. Right now i'm aiming towards getting a Hognose in the future. I would get a corn, but they seem a little long for me. My parents won't allow anything too big.

But my main question right at this moment is, corns vs. hogs. General points to hit on: Feeding (Do hogs eat more than corns since they are most stout rather than long?), Temperament, General length (I know females are longer), morphs, speed, and overall opinion on which is better to get.

Kim Sylva
09-05-14, 03:28 PM
I'm a 13 year old hoping to get a snake in two years, after I move into a bigger room. I also need that time to save up a few thousand dollars for a (probably) albino hognose snake.

But I also have the option of getting a corn snake. I have a few questions:

Do corns eat less than hogs or more? I heard that they eat less since they are very thin snakes.

Which has better temperament: corn or hog?

Have you ever been bit my a hog so much that you had the fangs in your skin? Does it hurt?...

Kim Sylva
09-06-14, 11:47 AM
I MIGHT get a corn snake in 2 years, so I'm here to learn, and of course look at cute snake pics! My user name "Kim Sylva" is NOT my real name. It is my FAKE name that I go on the internets.

09-13-14, 05:10 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


09-13-14, 09:42 PM
Hey and welcome!

09-14-14, 11:47 AM
Welcome aboard!

09-18-14, 05:38 PM
Welcome to the forum!

Doug 351
09-18-14, 07:13 PM
Goodness gracious.......Calm down! !!!!! First off. ...welcome to the forum. .....

Second.....it doesn't take thousands of dollars to care for snakes....especially corns...I would recommend trying to get an adult corn to start with. ....it will cost a bit more. ...but much better for a beginner. ......

On the question of whether a corn is better than a hog nose and what they will do.....snakes are like dogs.....some bite .....some don't. ....the good thing is....just like that trusted pet dog....if they are not inclined to bite...you can be just as comfortable with them as you would a dog.....

Again. ...this is why you want an adult snake to start with. ...and hog-nosed are generally a very docile snake. ...even fresh from the wild....but there are exceptions to every rule....so I would say go corn first.....(nothing says you have to stop at one.....)

Finally. ...snakes ..... (especially the ones you are looking at)...are not only some of the easiest pets to take care of. .......but also the cheapest. ......

09-19-14, 01:53 PM
Just pick whichever one you like. They're both easy snakes. And "thousands" of dollars for potential vet bills might be overkill.

09-19-14, 07:18 PM
I've got 18 snakes and I think I may have spent a grand total of $400 in vet bills. I prefer hoggies to corns, but that's just one person's opinion, you have to decide for yourself. Car is pretty similar between the two.

09-19-14, 07:27 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum. The only other constructive thing I can offer is go to some pet stores and handle what is there. The employees usually love getting them out. And see if there is a reptile show near you. It is a refreshing hobby to behold, Most people I run into tend to love educating people. Check a few out, handle some and make your mind up based on what works for you. And never settle for the first snake you find. but great first stop on your journey. Hang out look at old posts. and learn what you will need to take care of them. oh and most important ENJOY it