View Full Version : $5000 new project

09-04-14, 09:58 PM
If you had $5k to put together a breeding project what would it be? it can be for pleasure or prophit. Also what is your reasoning behind your choice?

09-04-14, 10:17 PM
I have one now. Knobtails, having tons of fun with them. After spending it you think even more about other stuff in that price range. Some others I'd like to have done, southern white lipped pythons, locality gtps, emerald basin boas, varanus mertensi, and eastern indigos. Those are just a few though, and I could always sell the adult knobtails I have now, hatch and keep the babies and have a larger collection for free + one of the other projects.....then REPEAT. Hahaha

09-04-14, 10:19 PM
reasoning behind them, I love them and they are awesome. I chose knobs for variation, breed like rabbits, care is easy, and somewhat rare.

09-04-14, 10:58 PM
Probably do a bunch of locality kingsnakes and north american rat snakes, and give them all zoo like enclosures.

edit: reasoning behind them being those two groups of snakes are fascinating to watch when given nice enclosures.

09-05-14, 10:25 AM
I would probably get a platinum phantom male or a pair of tiger het pieds retics

09-05-14, 10:32 AM
I would dump all $5k into a really awesome enclosure and forego the breeding project.

09-05-14, 12:30 PM
I would dump all $5k into a really awesome enclosure and forego the breeding project.

touche, prob the best idea yet haha

09-06-14, 06:10 AM
I would love to have a collection of tree vipers.

I fell in love with them after seeing my first eyelash in a picture and have been fascinated ever since.

Five grand could set me up with animals and cages!

David VB
09-06-14, 08:05 AM
At this moment I would spend it on a new and (even) better room for the animals i have and if anything left, i would get an albino burmese and/or some kind of retic. Just for myself, enough breeders already...