View Full Version : Clear hide

08-30-14, 04:59 PM
Would a clear hide be a good thing for a snake that is always in a hide? They don't see in color per say and it would be something to "hide"in that would let them feel secure but you could see the snake. Is this a good idea and something I should think more about?

08-30-14, 05:11 PM
No. They wouldn't feel secure at all.

08-30-14, 05:16 PM
They still see light(not trying to be captain obvious) so I don't think a clear hide would even function as one. If they were willing to coil up in clear spaces I don't think they would have survived in evolutionary history for very long.

What kind of snakes are you talking about? Maybe some things can be done so that they are out on display more.

08-30-14, 06:36 PM
It's my male BCL that is always in his warm hide. His setup is identical to my females and she is out often just cruising around.

08-30-14, 11:48 PM
What is the ambient temps in the cage?

Maybe he's just shyer than her. He might need the space in the enclosure to be more filled up to feel secure being out and about. I've got some carpet pythons that are really laid back, and others that are really nervous. The laid back ones will perch all day in an empty cage and eat, poop, and shed just fine. The nervous ones will either hide all day in the same setup or require more "foliage" to feel safe being outside their hide.

08-31-14, 07:10 AM
His cage is 72-78 at night and 84 warm spot and 78-84 with 94 hot spot. He pretty much stays around the 84 range 24-7. Both tanks have warm and cool hides and sticks rocks and fake plants. When he dose come out he is a hey how's everyone doing tonight kind of snake not afraid at all.

Derek Roddy
08-31-14, 09:52 AM
Clear hides are fine. I've been using them for 20 years. Snake doesn't know the difference as long as it's a tight enough fit. If you're concerned about it....just line the bottom and up the sides with newspaper or fill it with Mulch so the snake can dig under it.

I use 32 quarts for all my BHPs.


08-31-14, 10:01 AM
Clear hides are fine. I've been using them for 20 years. Snake doesn't know the difference as long as it's a tight enough fit. If you're concerned about it....just line the bottom and up the sides with newspaper or fill it with Mulch so the snake can dig under it.

I use 32 quarts for all my BHPs.


You mean you use 32 quart tubs as hides, or keep them in 32 quart tubs and use some other type of clear hide?

Derek Roddy
08-31-14, 04:48 PM
Yeah, 32's (or 28s) for hides.
