View Full Version : 3D rock wall enclosure

08-27-14, 08:31 PM
Here's a collage of an enclosure that my boyfriend and myself built in about a week 1/2 for our lesser bee ball python, Chojoe. We adopted him from someone and decided that the smaller tank that he was in just wouldn't do. He's a member of our family and deserves to be nothing but spoiled rotten. The dimensions of this are 5' long x 26.5" tall x 2' deep (filled with lots of hiding spots!). The door is actually an old window tipped onto its side. The 3-D rocks protrude about 1-2" and were hand-carved and painted by me. These photos were taken when it was still drying out however I will get some better pictures with him in it and how it's set up soon for you guys :)

EL Ziggy
08-27-14, 09:12 PM
That looks really nice onai. Please share more pics.

08-27-14, 11:09 PM
Looks great, I love to see that much space for a bp. The window on it's side is a good idea, too. Wouldn't have thought of it myself. :)

08-28-14, 07:58 AM
Nice work! Looks great!

08-28-14, 03:57 PM
Thanks everyone! The cage is undergoing some improvements at the moment :) humidity levels were too high and cho developed a minor case of scale rot as a result(all better now, though!). We're cutting ventilation screens on either side of the lower part of the tank to help him out. Here are a few photos for you guys though! :) the last image is of some petrified wood I picked up on a hike and will be cleaning to add to his enclosure. He is not in this tank at the time due to the improvements being made on it but I put him in there breifly just for you haha!

08-28-14, 03:59 PM
Cho in his cage :)

08-28-14, 04:00 PM
...and my phone decides to flip everything upside-down!

08-30-14, 09:11 PM
Finally moved him back in and took this one :)