View Full Version : wont shed

08-27-14, 08:17 PM
She shed her head and eyecaps, but she won't shed off anymore. It's been like this for over a week now. I've soaked her in Luke warm water twice now for 30mins to an hour and have been keeping her humidity high. I pulled the skin a little with my fingers after a soak and it didn't budge. She seems fine. She's active, basks, and even just took a mouse. Any one have any ideas?
http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s437/tlppkp12/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG1128_zpssgsa3qpi.jpg (http://s1051.photobucket.com/user/tlppkp12/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG1128_zpssgsa3qpi.jpg.html)

08-27-14, 09:54 PM
you could try the old put them in a wet pillow case trick. others will have more input i'm sure.

08-28-14, 06:38 AM
Mist her down and increase the humidity in the cage. You could also put her in a bathtub and let soak

08-28-14, 05:07 PM
Mist her down and increase the humidity in the cage. You could also put her in a bathtub and let soak

That's what I've been doing

08-28-14, 06:09 PM
2 methods we use at Reptile Enterprises.

I prefer this method...

Soak a pillowcase in warm water. Put the snake in the case and tie a knot at the top. Place the case in the enclosure to stay warmer. Check on the snake 30 minutes later. Usually the snake will do the work by moving around in there. If you want added roughness use a facecloth.

Second method is preferred by Lori.

She likes to use a warm facecloth and have the snake slither through it. You hold the snake a little tighter than normal so it pushes the skin off as it moves.

Both are great methods. The soaks are okay but they only help maybe loosen the skin. You need something else to get it off. Something rough.

08-28-14, 08:15 PM
So I can put a facecloth in the pillow case with her?

08-28-14, 08:23 PM
So I can put a facecloth in the pillow case with her?


These methods usually do well. Loosen things up and removes most of it if not all of it.

08-29-14, 10:25 AM
Wet pillowcases don't let much air through, its safer to put them in a plastic tub with rough damp towels. And you can put a heating mat under it so they don't cool off to much.

08-29-14, 02:45 PM
i would put her in the bath and soak her,then i would peel the shed off using my fingers,all the time keeping an eye on the scales as i went

if that didn't work.....

id use a water based lubricant like KY Jelly...

id cover her in KY Jelly and put her in a plastic tub without substrate

once the jelly had been on 2 or 3 hours,i would try taking the shed off with my fingers and a damp face cloth

the above is merely my chosen methods mate

cheers shaun

09-06-14, 06:48 PM
2 methods we use at Reptile Enterprises.

I prefer this method...

Soak a pillowcase in warm water. Put the snake in the case and tie a knot at the top. Place the case in the enclosure to stay warmer. Check on the snake 30 minutes later. Usually the snake will do the work by moving around in there. If you want added roughness use a facecloth.

Second method is preferred by Lori.

She likes to use a warm facecloth and have the snake slither through it. You hold the snake a little tighter than normal so it pushes the skin off as it moves.

Both are great methods. The soaks are okay but they only help maybe loosen the skin. You need something else to get it off. Something rough.


Lori would do the snake sauna.

Get a tub, add appropriate perches, add snake, set on a heat mat (on a tstat) and wait it out.

09-06-14, 08:23 PM

Lori would do the snake sauna.

Get a tub, add appropriate perches, add snake, set on a heat mat (on a tstat) and wait it out.
Her enclosure is a tub with perches and a radient heat panel. Humidity is kept at 60-90%, hot spot tops out at about 90F. Cypress mulch bedding. I just added a humid hide that's even more humid, it's wet. It has a mixture of cypress mulch and a organic peat based soil. I've soaked her a few times and tried the pillow case and neither worked. After I soaked her the last time I held on to the shed as she crawled over my hand and it didn't peel off at all. It pulled against her skin pretty hard then it just ripped but no more peeled off -_-

09-06-14, 09:22 PM
Sorry I forgot to mention. Snake sauna has water for substrate.

09-06-14, 09:33 PM
Obviously something isn't right somewhere. I doubt a humid hide is going to do anything. Neither will a half hour soak. This needs major time to get soft. If you take a small tub set paper towel as a substrate, with perches dump enough water that it's really wet and let the snake live in there with a hot spot of 90 or so she'll work it off.

Your enclosure is massive. It could be that where the probe is measuring humidity the reading is correct but wherever the snake is sitting most of the time is too dry or whatever. Also no more touching. The snake sauna or the paper towel sauna is 100% hands off which means no added stress (you've also had 2 regurges) the snake can live on soaked paper towel for a while without issue. And unlike the water only method you won't have to worry about her drowning.

I don't ever check this forum but I'm only a PM away (they get emailed to me)

Good luck