View Full Version : Juvenile Savannah free to good home

08-23-14, 08:47 AM
Another rescue, this little one is only about 6 inches long in total. "She" (I don't know if it's a boy or girl, actually) is full of piss and vinegar but eats like a champ and other than the fact that she is a little thin seems to be in good health.

This one was given to me by a lady who's son bought one at the pet store and told her that it would stay small. She did a little research and obviously found out otherwise, so she contacted me to take it off her hands before it got bigger. The sav was kept in a 30 gallon tank on dry bedding and fed mostly f/t mice and crickets and mealworms. I switched it to a proper set up, but I don't have the space for yet another adult build.

I want her to go to a good home, she is a fiesty little thing and is calming down the more I work with feeding her and positive association. I don't handle her (I don't believe in force handling) but she has never tried to bite and has never done any more than a frightened little tail whip. I don't want anything for her and am willing to ship if you want to pay for it. I am located in Las Vegas, NV.

I will post pictures as soon as I get home from work and snap a few.

11-12-14, 02:01 PM
I will tAke it

11-12-14, 02:02 PM
Please email me I'm very interested. I'm about to do a build for a friend and this is perfect timing I'm again very interested!

11-12-14, 06:45 PM
You're an amazing person Vegasarah