View Full Version : Not breeding causes issues

08-20-14, 10:05 AM
Hey guys,

I was watching yesterday a video on YouTube from prehistoric pets channel and the guy there said that his python died before she wasn't breeding during her life. This caused if i understood an issue with the egg sack that was getting small and big during the breeding cycles and ultimately killed the snake. I have a female ball python that i don't plan to breed. Do you know if there is any chance that something similar might occur?

08-20-14, 10:09 AM
I don't know how much truth there is to that but this would be the first time I am hearing about it. People have pretty old pet snakes that they haven't bred. Could you imagine how many displaced animals there would be if we had to start breeding all of our snakes lol.

08-20-14, 12:36 PM
Yeah that sounds like such bullshit to me. I think they'd be a shortage of Pythons if that was the case

08-20-14, 12:43 PM
thanks for your input guys....i was confused when i heard it and i wanted to be sure that this wasn't something valid..

08-21-14, 04:21 PM
You should talk to Jay directly. He would be more than willing to discuss the reasoning behind his theory with you.

08-21-14, 05:30 PM
You should talk to Jay directly. He would be more than willing to discuss the reasoning behind his theory with you.

I saw his explanation and it made sense to me. I hope my topic wasn't misunderstood. I watch Jay's videos weekly alongside many other reptile channels and it was the first time i heard this issue that could kill a snake. Jay's explanation made sense that's why i opened the topic, to check if anybody else faced similar situation.

08-21-14, 06:50 PM
I've heard others claim it before. Whether it's true or not I don't have a shred of evidence either way. Got a link for the video? I'll watch it again.

08-22-14, 02:17 AM
Here is the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pesqq3-Q7oY