View Full Version : Musking

08-19-14, 09:17 AM
Is it typical for hatchlings to musk when handled? I have a hatchling jungle diamond who not only likes to bite anything that moves, but pees as soon as I pick her up, and a bredli diamond jungle that also does it once in a while. These are the youngest carpets I have had so I am not too familiar with this behaviour.

08-19-14, 10:15 AM
My husband gets musked, peed or poo'd on almost every time he removes our snake right now. I myself haven't been. Its a defense mechanism, they do it out of fear. Or at least that's what I've read, I'm relatively new to snakes and tired today so I may be getting info crossed. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will confirm or rebuff my information.

EL Ziggy
08-19-14, 10:21 AM
It's perfectly normal. One of my kings would musk when he was younger, especially if I startled him when taking him out of his enclosure. They usually grow out of it.

08-19-14, 11:13 AM
I am aware that many colubrids musk, however I am asking about carpet pythons. :)

EL Ziggy
08-19-14, 12:14 PM
It's a defensive tendency for many snakes including carpets.

08-22-14, 10:41 PM
Interesting. I have never been masked by a carpet and I have not heard of anybody being masked by a carpet. Granted, that is not a question I generally ask.

08-23-14, 12:03 AM
I have only been musked on by a carpet once, which was by my coastal carpet. A few days after arrival, I took her out for cleaning/maintenance and she was being very skittish. She let one go on my hand lol.

08-23-14, 10:51 AM
Yeah so far both my hatchlings are doing it, however I have come to the conclusion they are peeing on me, not musking. It just doesn't smell bad enough for musk. Although its gross enough!! Hope they grow out of it soon.