View Full Version : What is the best way to secure hides and branches

08-18-14, 09:31 PM
Hi there,
First time posting, I'm in the midst of buying a vivarium for a jungle carpet python I'm hoping to get. Now before I do anything I want to do as much research as possible before i set it all up.
What i would like to know are the best methods for securing branches and hides so that they cant fall and harm the snake.
My first thought were of hot glue gunning them into place but I dont know whether that might be possibly harmful to the snake as well.
Help would be much appreciated :blink:

08-19-14, 03:53 PM
It depends on the type of materials the enclosure is made from. I would think hot glue would work fine so long as it's allowed to dry completely and doesn't leave a toxic chemical odor.

Jim Smith
08-19-14, 03:59 PM
I have not used hot glue extensively, however in the times that I have used it, I find that it can be prone to failure at the worst possible time. I simply don't trust it. If I wanted to glue something in place, I would use clear Gorilla glue. This stuff is AMAZINGLY tough, but only use a little bit of it as it expands to several times its original size as it cures. If you stick two pieces of wood together with Gorilla glue, they stay stuck. The wood actually gives and breaks before the glue. All that said, I would try to design the cage to allow the branches to be removed rather than permanently attached to the cage. This can be done with screws or brackets that will hold them securely in place yet allow you to remove them if you need/want to. Just a thought...

08-19-14, 04:21 PM
i use self tapping screws,but its wooden vivariums my carpets are in

cheers shaun

08-19-14, 11:56 PM
I'll have a look into getting some gorilla glue. the self taping screws sound great but I'm useless with a drill and would probably damage something lol I'd rather not use a hot glue gun if its known to fail.
Cheers for the help everyone