View Full Version : Getting Ready :)

08-13-14, 12:58 PM
Saturday, the Columbian Rainbow Boa is coming in the mail from BagnaraSnake, and I'm super excited. :) Everything is all set up, 3 hides, a water dish, two sticks. Temps are low 70s on the cool side, high 70s to low 80s in the middle, and mid 80s on the warm side. Hot spot between 88f-90f (is this too hot??) water is on the warm side on the heat mat. Locking lid tub, but I'll probably put some binder clips or bungee it shut as well. Everything look okay? :)

I think my next investment will be a temp gun lol.
http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b482/daywalker2812/IMG_0192_zps48469f55.jpg (http://s1288.photobucket.com/user/daywalker2812/media/IMG_0192_zps48469f55.jpg.html)
http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b482/daywalker2812/IMG_0189_zps811c2c05.jpg (http://s1288.photobucket.com/user/daywalker2812/media/IMG_0189_zps811c2c05.jpg.html)

08-13-14, 01:03 PM
I would lower the hot spot to about 84 and make sure your humidity is about 90%. Rainbow boas like it much cooler. My hot spot sits at 84-85 and the only time they use it is after they eat, but other than that, everything seems good. I'd also include, you could get some coconut hides to throw in there, they seem to really like those. :) And, after the quarantine period, I'd switch to a substrate they can burrow it. And post pics when it gets there!

08-13-14, 01:05 PM
Thank you! I'll definitely lower it a bit. :) I'll look around for some coconut hides! :) I wanted to get some real hides but they can be expensive, and these ones took 15 minutes all together lol.

08-13-14, 01:21 PM
Awesome! The anticipation is one of my favorite parts. I like the set up you got. You take good care of your animals, I am sure the new guy will be very happy.

08-13-14, 01:30 PM
Lol Saturday can't come soon enough!! :) Thank you Franks, I try to give my animals the best I can. :)

08-13-14, 01:40 PM
I'll look around for some coconut hides! :)

When I got my coconut hides, I just bought a good sized coconut from the store and got all of the coconut milk out, cut it in half and scraped the meat out, then after that I made sure there was nothing left on the coconut and soaked it in hot water, then let it dry back out. This way you get two hides and its generally much cheaper. :)

08-13-14, 01:44 PM
When I got my coconut hides, I just bought a good sized coconut from the store and got all of the coconut milk out, cut it in half and scraped the meat out, then after that I made sure there was nothing left on the coconut and soaked it in hot water, then let it dry back out. This way you get two hides and its generally much cheaper. :)

Nice!! I'll do this then, I like coconut anyway. :)

08-13-14, 01:52 PM
Excellent answer! Lowering that hot end is the most crucial. I use 82-83F in all my enclosures.

08-13-14, 01:58 PM
Looks good! Congrats Hannah! You know we will be waiting for pics! :)

08-13-14, 02:28 PM
Thanks everybody, you know pictures will be up Steve ;)

08-13-14, 02:35 PM
Very nice make sure to post pics! I love colombian rainbows. I prefer the earthy tone compared to the red brbs(which are also beautiful btw).

08-13-14, 02:36 PM
Thanks Mikoh, I definitely will! I love both Columbians and Brazilians for different reason, but I think a lot of the time Columbians are very overlooked. :)

08-13-14, 03:15 PM
but I think a lot of the time Columbians are very overlooked. :)

I agree, they're so underrated IMO :)