View Full Version : Re: new guy with a few questions!

08-12-14, 04:12 PM
Hi everyone my name is Paul and my partner is Tracey we have two royal pythons and have. Just been given a 2 year old hog iland boa all three have a very good nature and will be putting photos up very soon I am very new to keeping snakes but would not be without them now

08-12-14, 05:31 PM
Hey Paul and Tracy! Welcome aboard!

EL Ziggy
08-12-14, 05:33 PM
Welcome and best wishes.

08-12-14, 05:55 PM
Thank you for the welcome as any got a hog iland boa we have a two year old one we took it in as the last keeper had no time for it and we thought we could give it a good home it is good to Handel and eats well it needs feeding up a bit we have checked it over and there are no signs of mites but it seems to love spending time in its bowl of water is this normal as we are royal python keepers but we are still learning about them so we have a limited amount of knowledge to be honest we just love and respect them and want to give them all the best Care we can

08-12-14, 08:58 PM
Welcome aboard! As far as spending time in the water, what are the temperatures in the cage? Humidity? It might be that the temperatures are too high or the humidity is too low, but some just like the water.

08-12-14, 10:53 PM
Hey and welcome!

08-13-14, 04:59 AM
Hi I will check my temps and keep a eye On him thank u for your replys

08-13-14, 02:14 PM
Hi thank u for your help and advice one more thing I have been offered a 5 ft glass tank for my boa but not sure I like the wooden Vivariums better what do people think? All glass or wooden with a glass front

08-13-14, 02:42 PM
Wooden ones with a front opening glass door are far better than glass tanks with a screen lid. :)

08-13-14, 03:20 PM
Thank u. I think your are right