View Full Version : 2 ft Savannah Needs New Home

08-12-14, 12:56 PM
Hello all, I have been handed off yet another Savannah monitor and need to find it a new home A.S.A.P.

I am a board memeber of a local animal rescue that specializes in exotics, and I specialize in monitors and green iguanas (some of the most abused and mistreated species in the pet trade today!).

This pretty Savannah was left behind when it's owners were evicted from their house, and spent somewhere between one and two months without care as far as we can tell. It was rescued and given to me, where it was taken to the vet to be treated. After running bloodwork, taking x-rays, running a full fecal panel, and a physical exam the doctor says that it doesn't seem to have any major healt issues other than the fact that it is thin. The doctor also said that due to the state of dehydration it was in, issues down the line could happen. But for right now she (don't know for sure if it's a she, I just think she's pretty and girlie looking lol) really just needs someone to love her and care for her.

I do not want any money for her, and am also willing to throw in lots of supplies for her care to whoever can take her. I also have a 6x2x2 tank that can be used to house her temporarily till a proper enclosure can be made for her. I don't want a dime for her, and am also willing to drive 4 hours in any direction to meet someone that can take her. I am also willing to ship if someone wants to pay for the shipping. I am located in Las Vegas, NV.

08-12-14, 01:46 PM
She's pretty! If you can at some point verify the sex, I would seriously consider paying to ship her out to me.

08-14-14, 11:03 AM
Any suggestions on another place i can put this ad where it might get some views and replies? I really need to find her a home asap.

Jim Smith
08-14-14, 11:28 AM
You might try a couple of the reptile groups on Facebook. They seem to get a tremendous amount of traffic. Very active groups so you may find a perfect match for her. Also, you are a true animal rescue person, offering her for free along with temporary housing and even willing to drive four hours to meet someone. Very nice job and good luck with your search.

08-15-14, 07:20 AM

08-15-14, 02:20 PM
I don't have facebook :(

08-16-14, 10:54 AM

Hey Wayne, I made a facebook and requested to join the group as Sarahs Stuff. If you don't mind approving me I would be very grateful! :)

08-22-14, 02:51 PM
Could you find a shipping estimate to 44446? Wouldn't mind giving her a home if it isn't too unreasonable to ship

09-26-14, 04:40 PM
She has been rehomed and is doing well with her new family :)

09-29-14, 04:11 AM
Awesome news.

10-23-14, 09:52 PM
glad to hear she was rehomed! so sad the way people can treat animals. wish I could lock them up and dehydrate them for months on end.

10-24-14, 06:00 AM
Nice to hear she is with a caring owner, because she is a beauty.